Chapter 1

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It was a dark and gloomy night. The black little puffle looked outside his bed at the clock hanging from the wall. 'Three o'clock again?' He thought to himself. Ever since he got back in touch with the red puffle he couldn't get him out of his mind. It wasn't like he wanted Red to be on his mind 24/7, it just is. Black hopped down from his bed and shuffled to the window of the igloo; jumping onto the bigger bed with a small thud. Black sighed to himself, 'How pathetic,' he grumbled, 'It's been three years and you still can't shake off your feeli-' His thoughts were interrupted by an overly enthusiastic knock on the door. There was only one person it could be. Black shuffled over to the door and as soon as he unlocked it, Blue bust it down squealing in excitement. 


Black looked at Blue with his usual monotone face 'god not him....' he thought angrily to himself 

"Hi Blue... What news do you have?" he said unenthusiastically 'Why does he always have to show up? Doesn't he know I DON'T WANT HIM HERE?' Blue's face turns into a smirk as his hair ruffles up, 

"I know something you don't know!" He says in a sing-song way while giggling. 

"Just spit it out, Bluey, I don't have much time." Black grumbles.

 "Okay, okay," blue gleams, "Purple is holding a party this Saturday at her club! I heard everyone's going," his tone turns more sinister "even Red's going! You know how picky he is when it comes to this stuff!" his eyes light up like the old christmas tree at the iceberg 

"Oh ok- wait, why are you here so late?" 

Blue looked nervously at the ground, "No reason!" He exclaimed, his eyes darting all across the room.

 Black sighed, "Come on, Blue, I've known you for years now, I know you're bad at lying just tell me already." Blue shook where he was standing, his face slowly turning a soft purple, 

"Well, you know how I live next to Red?"

Black was suspicious, "...Yeah?" 

Blue hid his face, and carried on, "Well, I heard Purple... and you know how purple can be a bit scandalous-" 

Black cut him off " Yeah I know, can you go now?"

 Blue Looked back at the other house looking a bit forlorn. "Yeah that's it... Sorry if I disturbed your peace, Black! Nighty!' He said as he hurried away to beat the cold.

 Once he was out of the door, Black shut it loudly mumbling to himself, "Who the hell says''Nighty"?

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