Free & Valt's Date Part 2

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*Free & Valt walked inside the restaurant, a waiter came by and set their tables, free and & valt followed the waiter to their table and free helped valt sitting down (like what other people do in dates) valt blushed a little and sat down free also sat down on he's sit.*

Valt: thanks for helping me free 

Free: no problem.

Valt: *smiles*

Waiter: bonjour m'sir and m'si - ir what will yu two be éating today?  

Free: is there fries?

Waiter: wé do not have fries since this is a romantic restaurant m'sir *gives menu to both of them*

Free's pov: bummer.

Valt: I'd like to have this and that!

Waiter: good choice m'si - ir, how about you m'sir?

Free: I'll just have soup

Waiter: I will get you two's order ready *Walks away to kitchen*

Valt: so you having any fun?

Free: *Yawn*

Valt: ehrm...

Free: oh sorry valt, I didn't get enough sleep.

Valt: are u not satisfied on this date? we can always leave and get you to bed...


Valt: huh?-

Free: *holds hand* listen, just because I didn't get enough sleep doesn't mean I don't wanna ditch the date, im having a blast I mean its in my nature all right where I yawn and then fall asleep but this time I'll stay up and continue this date for you.

Valt: *Blushes* y-yeah sure thanks free *kisses free's cheek*

Free: *blushes a little* no problem.

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