Chapter 3 - I miss you

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"Hmmmmmm WHAT time is it?" I asked for anyone that would be up.
"8 a.m"
"What the fuck?" I said when I noticed a box in my bunk (beds in the tour bus).
"Someone left it there for you this morning" ally said.
"Someone who?"
"Just open it"
And that's what I did, I saw there a grey sweatshirt and a bottle with something inside:
- this is for you to keep our memories here forever -
And there was another note outside of the bottle
- October 2014
so in case you miss me, here's something that's always going to make you remember me and probably make you miss me more haha I like you Jauregui and I'm already missing you
Your Bradie -
"Oh my god"
"What is it?" ally asked
"Here" and I handled her the box and something fell, it was a Polaroid of us the first day we met. Aw now I feel bad for not giving him anything..
"Omg so you're dating now?"
"Ally shhh, we're not dating we're just friends"
"Yeah just friends" she giggled
"I'm gonna call him shh"
- brad?
-Babe I'll call you back so you don't waist your money on me
-It's ok. I just wanna thank you for the box
-I like you
-I feel bad now
-oh no you'll make it up next time we're together
-yep I don't feel bad anymore stupid
-hey babe I have to go
-you're a weirdo but I like you
He hung up :)

Brad POV
can't stop thinking of this girl not even in my break.. :/
"Cecilia you're breaking my heart your shaking my confidence dailyy"
"BRAAAAD" James called me
"What omg"
"Are you coming to the gym or nah?"
"No I'll just lay here contemplating life and how miserable I feel haha the usual"
"What happened dude?"
"Nahh I really don't wanna talk about it if you don't mind"
"It's ok bro, if you need me, you know where I am. Just an advice, you should get your ass of that bed and do something to keep your mind distracted"
"I know man, but I don't know I'll decide after..."
"See ya"
And there I was, as lonely as a daisy in a field of roses, because seriously who would choose me if they had the opportunity to choose between me and the guys? Lauren probably just wants me to be her kissing and whatever doll... She doesn't like me or otherwise we would date and talk all the time...
Seriously my thoughts are killing me right now so I'm going for a walk but before I tweet: "somedays people make you feel like shit but you gotta be strong and fight for what you REALLY want in life"

Got a text from Lauren saying:
"Was that some kind of indirect to me? Is everything ok brad?"
Ugh does everything have to be about her?? Well it actually is but yeah
As I was typing I bump into someone I look a the person and wow it's a really pretty girl
"Oh sorry" we said at the same time
"I'm Sarah! Omg Bradley??"
"Hm yeah that's me!"
"Omg I'm a huge fan can I take a pic with you?"
"Yeah of course"
We took the pic and talked for a little bit.. Totally forgot to text Lauren back but I got another text before I could do anything.
"So now this is what you REALLY want? (Picture of Sarah and I)"
"She was just a fan"
"Yeah a fan that you let kiss your face and talked to her for 2 hours or so"
"Why do you care lauren? Does it really matter to you if she kissed me or whatever? We don't have anything as far as I know!"
She didn't answer back.
Ugh I only do shit seriously....
Some days passed and nothing happened in the brauren field. I don't understand him.. I don't want a relationship right now and I've made that clear to him. He gave me the box and everything and now it's this..
I was preparing myself for the show and I get a text from James
"Call him seriously"
"You like him, he likes you! Call him lauren"
"I just.. Idk I'm getting ready for the show we'll talk later!"
"Good luck, kill it!"
"Thanks 😘😊"
"LAUREN" ally calls me cause she's always the one who's ready first!
"A minute please!"
"I'm ready!" Dinah shouted, she's always the late one so or that means Dinah finally got ready on time or I am really really late
"READY" I said as I came out of the bathroom.
The concert was great and for the meet and greet I wore brads sweatshirt and it felt great ups. So now it's time to call him..
"Hey brad"
"can you FaceTime? I would rather do that tbh"
"Yeah sure" ---
--- "Heyy again" I said as I saw is beautiful eyes staring right into mine making me stare into his too. He was kinda hypnotizing.
"So how's everything?"
"Good, you?"
"Yeah So you like me right?"
"Yeah you're a sweet girl and I must apologize for earlier.. I had a lot going on and I usually don't explode on others but--
"I have to apologize myself, I wasn't correct to you and as much as I don't want to fall in love for you, you're all I can think of. I've missed you so much these days, we would talk for hours and suddenly we stopped and I miss your face, and skin and lips and eyes and the way you look at me and the way our eyes meet when we are together I miss running my hands throughout your hair and I miss, most importantly, the way our souls combine."
"God Lauren I'm a lucky guy I have no words you're too much for me"
"Seriously brad, stop I'm not too much, we are equal and that's why we match and complete each other stop putting yourself down I like you ok"
"Don't say those things to me if you don't want to date me cause everything you're saying literally makes me wanna swim the fucking Pacific Ocean and kiss you and do other things obviously"
"You never change Bradley 😂"
"So it's getting serious and as I know you won't ever say this before I do... I love you"
"I love you" and I let a tear fall down I couldn't wipe it of because all I could do was stare at that fucking beautiful human being.
"Wow what are we doing?"
"we could be but we're not doing anything"
"I'm not the only one who's naughty I see"
"Not so fast MISTER"
And honestly we talked for hours through the night until I feel asleep.
"Goodnight my love" I said as I turned my phone down.
Best. Night. Ever.
I went to Tristan's and stayed there the night
"Dude I have something to tell you"
"Omg I knew it bro"
"We are dating, like officially"
"Congrats man I'm so happy for you that girl is amazing well done"
"She is wow"
"So happy for you ily"
"I have a girlfriend sorry man"
"Bros before hoes?"
"That was not funny at all what even were you thinking"
"I'm jealous of her dude"
"haha man just shut up"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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