so im kinda sleep deprived

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so i didn't sleep bc we needed to take my sis to the airport at 3 am so it's now almost 5:30 and i'm still aWake :)
and uh if u saw my messages on my main and on this acct or on my insta spam acct i uh
i was a lil crackhead-y cause i was losing my mind cause i was sleepy and bored outta my mind so i kinda lost it but we're not gonna talk abt that-
all i'm gonna say abt it is nO kiera i'm nOt gonna kill charles

aNYWAYS let's get to why ur actually here bc u probably don't care abt anything i'm saying lol

1. someone you think would get lost at an airport
(inspired by my dumbass sister who actually got lost tonight and my mom had to go get her to security so she could go find her gate) 

2. someone who would no doubt miss their flight

3. someone who would be logical and ask someone for help if they got lost which my dumbass sister did not do

4. someone who would fall asleep on the flight and not wake up when it lands so one of those scary flight attendant ladies have to come wake u up

5. someone who would actually eat and drink the stuff the flight offers

6. someone who would ask for more of the food and stuff the flight offers after they eat all of it

7. someone who would just sit there and scream w/o doing anything relatively helpful if the plane were to crash

8. someone who would be smart and calm everyone down if there was an emergency on the flight

9. someone who's likely to be a flight attendant when they're older

10. someone who's likely to be a pilot when they're older 
(dOnt even say me cause i'd be the one who be like "oh what do these pretty buttons do" and then push one and say "oh well would u look at that? we're falling wowie")

11. someone who would be that one karen who complains abt how you're being "too loud" or asks for 193882*\829%28$927 pillows

12. someone who would be that one kid who keeps kicking your seat even though you ask them vERY nicely to stop

13. someone who would be that one old man who sits by the window but needs to get up to go to the bathroom every 10 secs while you're in the middle seat so he makes you get up

14. that one weird stranger person who's like lowkey creepy who shamelessly flirts w u even though you don't know them but you can't get up and walk away cause you're in a plane so you try your best to igno-
oh wait that has never happened to u?
oh u lucky duck

15. just tag someone and leave them a sweet message for them to read so they can have a good day :)

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