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Hannah's POV

I followed Caylus running into a small lane and then onto a field by a lake. He ran to the end of the lake and just stood there. The whole school knows that Caylus can't swim, after he nearly drowned in a swimming lesson! I saw someone run up behind him, and push him in! He started laughing as Caylus tried to swim up to the surface. It was Luke! I couldn't believe him. When he saw me he came up to me and said how awesome his prank was. I ran to get him out but Luke pulled me back!

L-Where are you going?!
H-To get Caylus. Yeah he's annoying but I don't want him to die!
L- but come on! Wouldn't it be nice for him to be out of the way?
H- Your sick

I then kicked him and went to get Caylus out of the water. He was unconscious, but breathing. I called an ambulance and it came within 10 minutes I watched it take him away and ran away from Luke.

Caylus POV

When I saw the hospital taking Kiera I ran to the lake to think. I needed to be alone. But then I felt someone push me! I couldn't swim so I panicked. I heard them laughing as I fell in and it was Luke! I can't believe my own friend would try to kill me! I desperately tried to swim up to the surface but I couldn't and then- black. I later woke up in a hospital with three doctors around me

C-What happened?
D-You nearly drowned, You could have died!
C-What about Kiera?!
D-Who is Kiera?
C-She's here too, Kiera Bridget?
D-Ah yes! She's 2 rooms down she had taken a lot of damage to the head and has still not woken up.
C-Is she ok?
D-Well only time can tell. She might never wake up. But if she does- she will have to stay here for numerous tests and check-ups
C- how did I get here?
D-A girl phones us Hannah is it? She said that your her boyfriend
C-Hannah?! Yeah she is but how did she know?
D-She said she saw your friend push you in a lake and when she got you out of the lake you were unconscious. She saved your life.
C- Ok umm thanks...

I grabbed my phone and sent 2 messages. One to Hannah saying:

"Omg thank you so much for saving me😍😘💓"

And one to Luke saying:

"You tried to kill me?!🤬🖕"

I didn't bother sending one to Kiera because she hasn't woken up. I tried to go to sleep since I had nothing to do but then I heard I familiar voice:

A/n omg let me just say sorry for the terrible cliff hanger I will make better chapters in the future thank you so much for 40 reads!! The book is growing so fast and I just want to say thank you so much!

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