There's no danger in gangster...o1

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Just wanted to go ahead and get a piece of what this story will be like out there!



There's no danger in gangster.

Chapter One:

I was awakened to the sound of a slamming door. To be more exact, Kent's door, my younger fourteen year old brother. First thought that popped in my head was 'Mom and dad are going at it again.' Their fighting used to be an only when dad passed out on the couch bickering time. But it turned into a weekend thing...then a few days a week thing...and now it's escalated to a everyday, all the time, part of our life everywhere we turn thing. Sometimes there were the 'worse than others' days. And as I faintly heard the sound of glass shattering, I took it that it was one of those days.

I rubbed the bottom part of my palm across my eyes and focused my slightly blurred vision on my clock. It read, in big, bold green letters, 6:03am. However I had set it for 5:00am, I must of cut it off in my sleep.

Although I had that extra hour of sleep I felt as drained as ever. I closed my eyes willingly, counting to thirty in my head before grudgingly bracing myself for the chilled air to come as I threw back the covers.

'Cold! Go back to warmth!'

My mind steadily tried to steer my body back to the comfort of my bed while I hurriedly grabbed clothes from my dresser and closet, tripping over objects I didn't bother to identify as I made my way to the bathroom.

Only when I was enveloped in the scorching heat of my shower did I allow myself to block out all the fussing and yelling parents, trying to wash the sleepiness out of my system. The relaxing water only worked for a little while, to my disappointment. By the time I was in my room and about to grab my bag from the floor, about ready to leave, I could barely hold my eyelids up.

Exiting my room I walked a few steps across the hall and banged on my brothers door with my fist, yelling, "Kent!"

I didn't wait for a response, though rarely there is one at all anyways. I walked towards the ear-drum busting noise. Ignoring the broken plates on the floor I walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the refrigerator. I grabbed my stored bought glass of Starbuck's Vanilla coffee before closing the door back and slowing turning to my now silent parents. My dad just sipped greedily at his bud-light, looking quite less than interested in the mess the kitchen currently was in.

"We're leaving." Was all I said to them when Kent walked in. I quickly grabbed his arm and steered him clear of dad's grabbing hand.

"Hey, I have a right to hug my own damn son!" his voice bellowed, following us as we exited the kitchen.

"We're already going to be late if we don't leave right now." is all I responded with.

"Don't die or anything, we can't afford a fancy shmancy wedding!"

"I meant funeral!" my dads laugh carried through with us when we escaped through the front door.

"Love you, too." I muttered.

I dropped Kent off at the entrance of the middle school then sped away to my own school. That was 10 miles down the road. I heard the shrill ringing of the bell just after I had entered the school doors, luckily for me it was only the five minute warning bell.

Throwing the now empty coffee bottle in a nearby trashcan I picked up my pace as I climbed the stairs to the second floor. I was immediately captured in a bone crushing hug when I walked into my class, forensics.

"You are totally them!" the tardy bell rang which ended up cutting off half of what Lacey said.

All I did was hold up my hands while muttering a tired, "Sorry."

"I was worried, ya know. You said you were up all night with Kent because of his arm." We took our seats near the back.

During class Lacey kept sending me nervous glances which frankly, fueled anger inside of me.

When she finally was able to talk at the end of class I had a raging headache and took it out on her, which I was definitely going to regret later.

"Are you sure you are okay, you have bags under your eyes you know."

"What are you, Lacey? My freakin' wife. Lay off." I blowed her off and filed out, along with everyone else, into the hallways.

By the time free period rolled around I was close to snapping. I was tired, irritable, and apparently out of shape. The last part referred to the fact that I was required to run two miles in gym today and I came in sixth to last. The only ones being behind me were the stragglers, like myself, and a few girls who didn't want to sweat so they didn't bother with running at all.

I was currently hidden in the back of the library listening to my Ipod with my hoodie's hood up and my head down on the wooden desks surface. My guilt was also starting to eat me alive from the way I had treated Lacey in first period. But before I could think anymore about it something hit me lightly in the head. I contemplated ignoring it but after three more hits my head came up and I fixed a glare on the person standing in front of me.

"Lo siento, but you were snoring." Emidio, someone who I always avoid, was smirking down on me.

"I wasn't even asleep." I told him while gathering up my things and shoved my Ipod in my hoodie pocket.

"No, don't move just because I got here." he chuckled, he knew that I, as well as everyone else but his friends were afraid of him. He was in a gang and he had a history that went along with that part of his life.

"Please," I snorted, treading deep waters as I poked him in the chest with my pointer finger. "What are you going to do, shoot me because I want to leave?"

"Puedo ver por usted, sabe. I can tell you're scared of me to, I can see it in your eyes, chica." Emidio taunted, getting closer to me until I was cornered against the wall.

I watched his eyes glint dangerously, I gulped. Today is definitely not a good day.


Puedo ver por usted, sabe.  ::::::::  I can see through you, you know.

Lo siento :::::::: I'm sorry

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