Chapter 1

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A/N: I was listening to "Come what may" from Moulin Rouge, and quickly thought of Sebastian and Rachel. Don't know if this will be a one shot song fic and, l thought Id continue writing for my favorite OTP.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the storyline.

 This is an AU Glee fic. Takes place Season 3, and instead of West Side Story they are performing Moulin Rouge. Finn and Rachel are dating and are the leads of the musical, until Finn decides to not show up during the duet they are rehearsing. Are Finchel over or does someone else come in to save the duet? We shall see....


Location: McKinley Auditorium

Moulin Rouge Rehearsal

 Rachel Berry was in the Auditorium with Kurt and Blaine, her besties, awaiting for Finn's arrival for rehearsals for the high school musical they were starring in. Rachel couldn't be more excited. After the nightmare of the Rocky Horror Show Junior year and not being able to star in a musical the previous two years, she couldn't be more excited to finally star in Moulin Rouge. She would playing Nicole Kidman's character,Satine. Finn would be playing the role of Christian, which was originally played by Ewan MacGregor. True Finn may not be the best dancer, but he was her co-captain of the New Directions and her loving boyfriend. Blaine was a little upset because he thought he should be playing "Christian". Rachel had to admit that may be true considering Blaine was far better with musicals, then Finn. But, if Mr Schue feels that his Golden Boy, Finn Hudson, is far better, than she wont have much chance to veto it.

While waiting for rehearsals to start, Rachel had noticed a few of the Warblers had shown up to watch.

Kurt: Why are the Warblers here? And especially Meerkat Smythe? I thought he hated public schools?

Blaine: Oh uh I may have sorta invited them. We will be hanging at my house later, and I invited them to come watch rehearsals. Plus a few of the guys really want to see our Lovely Miss Berry.

Rachel: Aww that's so sweet. Just wish Finn would get here already. I wonder what is taking him so long anyway. He knows we have rehearsals.

Kurt: Oh my Prada, if he messes this up for us, I may have to murder him in his sleep. Going to need scarves, handcuffs....

Rachel: There will be no blood shed Kurt Hummel, I need my best friend with me in New York.

Rachel noticed Blaine went to talk to some of his Warbler friends from Dalton Academy. She knows Blaine misses his friends, even though he transferred schools to be with Kurt. It was incredibly sweet and glad he is with the ND, but she senses there is a part of him still is with the Warblers. He wax junior, and next fall a majority of the team will be across the country at different colleges or wherever life takes them. Rachel saw a few of the Warbler boys staring at her and waving. She recognized a few of them: Nick, Jeff, Thad, David, and Trent. And of course the handsome, but arrogant Sebastian Smythe. She felt Sebastian's eyes on her, giving her a sweet smile, not his usual smirk. Rachel felt herself blush and return a smile. He winked at her.

Kurt: Omg you two are so eye fucking each other!

Rachel: What? What makes you say that? I barely know him, plus I'm engaged to marry Finn, your step brother.

Kurt: You keep lying to yourself, Diva. Plus Sebastian just maybe a better match for you then Finn. Even though I can't stand him because he always hits on Blaine, I have seen him watching you, Rach, and I honestly would love to hear you duet with Sebastian. It would be beyond epic.

Rachel: Well wont happen because Iam with Finn, who is still not here yet.

Artie: Okay I'm getting tired of waiting for Hudson. We need to rehearse "Come what May". Rach I guess we may need to just have you rehearse the song alone.

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