be positive

91 14 15

someone tell me where I should go..

I am feeling all alone

with books aside and burden in my head..

I don't know wen I will lead..

wants to do lot many things

I really hate exams..

feeling like cows in farms..

wanna scream in anger of frustration..

no one stops giving lecture..

let me enjoy this part of my life..

don't mk me feel competitive..

being a topper don't mk me feel merry..

coz maintaining it in next exam mk me worry..

punished by teachers and scolded by parents..

even after this I don't think I will gain some credit..

dream in my eyes no one can see..

making my dreams true I can see..

every student have a dream..

some have courage to go fr it..

but some just let this remain a dream..

see around yourself full of positivity..

come ahead and push outside all negativity..

see up and keep moving ..

let people say what they want..

you just move and run forward..

give respect to everyone ..

as u don't know blessings are awesome..

never b afraid of hard work..

life can give anytime a jerk..

always b ready and confident..

to get best from the rest..

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