The Journey Continues

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Dear Reader,

If you stumbled upon this book and have no idea about Ellie and Aiden, I strongly encourage you to read His Everything.

Without it, not many things will make sense. We are who we are because of what happens to us and because of everything we have to go through. The story of the two young people I love wouldn't be complete hadn't it been for the crazy ride that is my first novel.

To those who are here to continue enjoying the story: welcome back!

I would love to believe I am still able to surprise you, make you swoon, feel, and cry. Believe me; you will.

This book is very special to me for several reasons. Firstly, growing up and becoming independent isn't always easy. It takes lots of courage to leave your home and go in search of your dream, whatever it might be.

Secondly, I've always believed in true friendship, and in the fact that some people can become your family, even though you might not share the same blood. Friendship is essential in this book, as well as relationships in general.

And finally, a big part of the novel is set in Paris — one of my favorite cities. Many of the photos I'll use will be mine. Despite that, places, names, and people are the product of my imagination. You know the drill.

I am excited, and a bit nervous about embarking on the journey called Their Forever.

Once again, thank you for being here and supporting me. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.

Happy reading!



P.S. The picture, indeed, belongs to me.

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