(Please enjoy this next story)
It was a cold winter's night in December. A mother neko had just had a litter of kittens. She carefully cleaned every single one of them however when she got to the last one she pulled back and hissed.
The last kit was a runt. Runts usually didn't survive a year so they were considered outcasts or unnecessary. She ignored the little runt kitten as she continued to bathe the rest of her kits until they were nice and warm as they cuddled together.
She then picked the runt up in her mouth and darted out the cat door. She threw the baby into the snow and turned away not looking back.
The runt whimpers and shivers against the cold night. He sniffed around and scratched his ear with his claws before meowing loudly. The wind whipped snow harshly around the tiny kitten however on the wind there was another sound the sound of beautiful wolf howling.
Kathleen and her Alpha Ryan were moving their small pack of wolves to avoid the harsh weather as they wander close to human territory.
The kitten's ears perks up and starts meowing again quickly and loudly. Kathleen's sharp ears picked up the desperate meows and she followed them to where the tiny kitten lay shivering. Her motherly instincts immediately took over and she dropped into the snow and curled her body around the kitten warming him up as she gently licked his fur clean.
The runt sniffed up at her before snuggling into her fur. Ryan noticed his mate was missing as he followed her scent and was shocked when he saw her wrapped around a newborn kitten. Kathleen at her mate with wide pleading eyes.
"Please Ryan. He's just a baby we can't abandon him." Ryan hesitated for a moment but couldn't say no to his mate and he nods slowly. He goes to lay beside his mate as he looked at the little kitten.
The runt sniffed up at Ryan and tilts his head as his ears twitched cutely. "Meow...." Ryan smiles as he gently let his nose touch little kitten's. The three of them became familiar with each other scents as they claim the tiny kitten as their own.
The kitten purrs and plays with Ryan's nose. Ryan laid his head down in the snow and let the little kitten crawl over him playing with his ears nipping them lightly as his tiny paw almost hit Ryan's eye.
The small kitten moves around in Ryan's fur to get comfortable before falling asleep as he purrs sleeping soundly.
Ryan smiles as he looked back at the little kitten. "Well if he's going to be in our pack he needs a name. After all we can't just call him the little kitten."
Kathleen smiles as she gently rested her head near the little kitten who was sleeping contently on Ryan's back. His nose twitching every now and then. "He's very playful. And he seems to like games... game... I know we'll call him Yugi. Our little Yugi."
Ryan nods his head in agreement as he slowly gets up making sure Yugi is still safely in his fur as their other 6 pack members join them. Mahana and Isis and Shaadi join them as Isis instantly catches a whiff of little Yugi.
"A Neko kitten? A runt it seems though he is far from weak. I have a feeling great things will happen to that little one. You did the right thing in saving him."
Three little wolf pups walks up to them. "He's cute." Mana said. "You can't judge a wolf by its teeth. Even though he's a kitten." She said.
Seth walks over as his younger brother just glares at the little kitten and huff's as he storms away. "I hate cats!" Seto growls and runs into a snowbank by accident. Seth rolled his eyes and smiles at the little kitten. "You may be a cat but you're pretty cool I hope we can be friends one day." Seto yelps and Seth goes to help him.
"He's going be something big." Mana said as she played under Ryan's legs. Ryan smiled as his niece. "He sure is. Now let's get to the cave we found it's getting colder."
Ryan led his little pack to a warm nearby cave. Food had been scarce lately however Ryan had always managed to find food for his pack even if it was small rabbits or gophers.
Ryan watched as Kathleen laid down and let Yugi nurse at her belly as she cleaned his fur making sure it was nice and soft.
The other pups contently ate the two of rabbits Mahana and Ryan had found while the other adults split the remaining three making sure Kathleen got a big chunk so she could nurse Yugi.

Alpha Cat
FanfictionRunts usually didn't survive a year so they were considered outcasts or unnecessary. BlueKitten + Sparky Don't own Yugioh so no suing