Yuu Nishinoya x Reader | Regret

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Oh god. It just hit me like a volleyball. I like Nishinoya...my heart beats faster every second im with him. My face gets hotter and starts to burn. I fiddle with my words. I'm so clumsy when Im near him. Gosh, I guess I owe Kuroo-senpai five bucks.
Ughhhh. Okay Y/N. Just go in the gym. Ask for Nishinoya. Come back outside. Confess and listen what he has to say. Not that hard!

I knock on the gym doors and slightly wait for someone to open the door. I flinch when I see Tsukishima open the door. I didn't expect him at of all people.

"What are you doing here?" The tall male asked me.

"Um...can I talk to Nishinoya-senpai for a second?" I ask softly.

"Nishinoya! Y/N is calling you." Tsukishima continues to practice and Nishinoya comes running up to me.

"What's up Y/N-Chan?" Oh dear. I could feel the heat come back to my cheeks. Sweaty sweaty sweaty SWEATY.

"Um...I have to tell you something senpai." I say while playing with my hair.

"Yes?" He gives me a quirky smile.

"E-er...I-I u-uh like y-yo-you..." I look at Nishinoya and it seems like he didn't understand what I said so I say it a bit louder.

"I like you!" I look down to avoid his gaze.

"Y/N...I don't...I'm sorry." And just like that...he went back to practicing. I was speechless. I felt the warm tears falling and running down my soft skin. It's not like I had a chance anyway. How was I supposed to compete with a goddess like Kiyoko? Of course he would love someone like her. I walk home. This time I'm alone. I usually walk with Nishinoya.

"Hey sweetie. How was school?" My mom greets me and hands me a bowl of noodles.

"What's wrong?" My mother clearly knew I was crying. My eyes always get puffy and red when I cry.

"Mom...Nishinoya doesn't like me." I simply say while taking a small portion of my noodles.

"Honey...I'm sorry. Wanna get ice cream after you eat?"

"That would be nice."

(After getting ice cream)


I hear my phone ring indicating I have a text message.


Hey Y/N! Me and the group were gonna go buy some meat buns. Wanna join?


I don't know.


C'mon! Daichi is paying.

Me: okay fine! But I'm not staying there no longer than 5 minutes.


Oki doki!

Ugh this terp. I mean free food! But I can smell, no FEEL the awkwardness form here. I quickly get dressed and head out the door.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes!" I yell to my mom.

"Okay hon! Take your time."

I walk to Ukai's store. I see the group and Tanaka waves at me.

"Here!" He gives me my meat bun. I take a big bite.

"Mmm! These are so good!" I say between chews.

"I know right! I knew you wouldn't regret it!" Hinata pats me on the back.

"Thanks Hinata-Kun! Your the best." I say with a big smile.

Nishinoya's POV

"Thanks Hinata-Kun! Your the best." I hear Y/N say. What!? She always tells ME I'm the best! And she's telling Hinata that? And not only did she call HIM the best but she gave him one of those beautiful gorgeous smiles!? I grab Y/N's hand along with a "gah!" Sound coming from her.


Nishinoya grabs my hand. SHIT. I dropped my meat bun! Noooo! But before I can complain I see two hands near my face. His pinning me...HIS PINNING ME ON A FUCKING WALL. ITS HAPPENING!

"Why?" He states.

"W-why wh-what?" I questioned.

"You know what your doing! You like me! Not Tanaka! Not Hinata! But me!" He yells. I tense up.

"But what's the point if you don't like me?"

"Did I ever say I didn't like you!?"

"No but-" I was cut off by a pair of soft lips against mine. I couldn't do anything but kiss back. Nishinoya stops for oxygen.

"We are not a thing until you buy me a new meat bun I hope you know that." I simply say.

"Deal..." He says with a smirk.

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