Chapter 4: Coleman et al., 2018

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Chapter 4: Coleman et al., 2018

"Compulsive sexual behaviour disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of failure to control intense, repetitive sexual impulses or urges resulting in repetitive sexual behaviour."

Coleman, E., Dickenson, J. A., Girard, A., Rider, G. N., Candelario-Pérez, L. E., Becker-Warner, R., ... Munns, R. (2018). An Integrative Biopsychosocial and Sex Positive Model of Understanding and Treatment of Impulsive/Compulsive Sexual Behavior. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 25(2-3), 125–152. doi: 10.1080/10720162.2018.1515050



They aren't even serving beer at this thing.

The Undergraduate Psychology Students' Association booked the bright, modern, glass-and-steel atrium of U of E's Interdisciplinary Sciences Centre for their faculty event.

The place is actually surprisingly packed. Pretty much every researcher and lecturer in the department is here, alongside a hundred or so undergrad students.

I lean against a wall on one side of the room sipping some lukewarm coffee as the MC, some lanky ginger kid, tries to get people's attention over the mic.

He succeeds after a couple minutes and then introduces the UPSA president. Layla Mitchell.

Something about her is undeniably captivating. Her soft, wavy brown hair seems threaded with bright strands of copper and gold beneath the warm lights shining down on her as she strides across the space towards the podium.

She's wearing a slim-fitting grey skirt that falls just above her knees, a long-sleeved maroon blouse, black heels that should all be so nondescript and prudish, but somehow make her look poised and confident and bizarrely sexy.

Since when did I have a kink for stuffy businesswear?

I need to get laid.

But hell, if I thought she was enthralling before, then she opens her mouth and starts speaking and fuck, I swear the entire room goes stock-still listening to her.

She graciously thanks everyone for coming, gives a standard run down of the event, describes the UPSA's achievements last year and their goals for the upcoming term. She even makes a corny psych joke that gets the room roaring and maybe even puts a twitch at the corner of my lips. Something witty about Pavlov and classical conditioning that I've actually never heard before.

Her voice is like... liquid honey. Smooth, rich and sweet but with a faintly rasping edge that I know would sound super sexy calling my name as she comes.

I really have to stop thinking of her like that, but I can't fucking help it. I study sex for a living, so it's never far from my mind.

Or you're a fucking perv. Undecided.

I wonder what kind of research she's doing for her thesis if Zabina thinks my 471 class would be relevant. He's a developmental psychologist... hm.

This is a research event, after all. I could ask her.

I'm still pondering whether or not I want to discover if jailbait is as engaging in person as she is from afar even after she's left the spotlight and leaves everyone to eat hors d'oevres and mingle.

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