Chapter 4

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We were all in the helicopter with Sean, Kailani and I in the back with me being in the middle and Hank and Gabato up front.

"If you look out your window on your left, you'll see what is known as the Pacific Ocean." Gabato said, making Sean and I look out the window.

"On your right side, you'll see the other side of the Pacific Ocean."

"You gonna do that the whole trip?" Hank asked, annoyed.

"Sir, you did pay for the luxury tour." Gabato said, chuckling.

From outside the window, I start to see some thunder up in the clouds.

"We have to go around the storm." Kailani said, peeking her head to the front.

"Uh... according to the coordinates, that's where the island is." Sean said, pointing to his phone.

"There is no island." Kailani said, rolling her eyes.

"Looks like we're about to find out." Hank said, looking out the window.

The storm start to get more rough as we continued into the storm.

Gabato started to have trouble with the throttle. Then there was a big wind-like structure that looks like a tornado as we start to go into it.

"We gotta get outta here now!" Kailani screams, panicking.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Gabato says, quickly agreeing to the option.

"No, no, no. Wait!" Sean yelled as he grabbed the 'Mysterious Island' book and flipped through the pages.

"Chapter 1. The passenger has been taken into the circular movement of a column of air."

"We're about to fly into a Category 5 hurricane! Now's not the time to take the book literally!" Hank yelled at Sean as he held onto something.

"We have to go into the eye of the hurricane to get to the island!" Sean yelled to Gabato.

"Are you crazy, Sean!" I yelled at him as the helicopter started to shake.

"We'll never survive!" Kailani yelled at Sean.

"We gotta do it. We gotta trust Verne!"

"You know what I trust? Gravity. Gabato, get us out of here now!" Hank yelled to Gabato.

"You're right, I agree with you. But here's the deal: I'm not flying his helicopter anymore! The throttle's broken!" Gabato cried, trying to move the throttle but it couldn't move.

"What!?" I yelled, as I felt part of the helicopter break apart, making us spin.

"We're going down! Hold on!" Gabato yelled as I held onto something.

"Here we go!" Sean yelled as we went into the eye of the hurricane.

"No! Not like this!"

Just then, Kailani's window broke making us scream.

I then saw that we were about to go down into some sort of water. 

I start to brace myself before everything went black.


"Y/n! Y/n! Come on, Y/n. Wake up!" I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

I open my eyes to see Hank and Sean hovering above me with a smile on both of their faces.

Hank started to help me up when I hear Kailani's voice.

"Where's my father?"

"Somebody help me! Help me!" I hear Gabato scream as Kailani took off running towards her father.

Sooner or later, we all started to run towards Gabato.

"My body's been cut in half!" He yelled as the top half of his body was showing.

"Papa. Your foot's right there."

"My severed foot." He cried out, pointing to the foot.

"And it's moving!" He cried out before Hank and Sean stayed to help him up.

"Oh, and I'm still in one piece. Yay."

"Well, you were right. There is an island. Not much of one. " Kailani said as she looked out to the sea.

"This is not what I was expecting." Sean mumbled.

"All right, guys. Listen up. We have to gather up everything washed ashore and take stock of our supplies. We need to find shelter. Let's go." Hank ordered as we gathered around.

We then start to gather our supplies when I hear Sean.

"Hey. I think I found a way off the beach!"


We were now walking in a cave with Sean following, then it was me, Hank, Kailani and Gabato.

We then come upon a bright light which we entered through, only to find someplace totally different.

"This is heaven, I'm checking in." Gabato said, looking at the view.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I give you.." Sean smiles as we all looked out.

"The Mysterious..." Hank said but I followed after.

"Island." I said with a smile.

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island | Sean's Sister ✔️Where stories live. Discover now