Onas POV: You wake up at 6:00 to get your little sis and you ready to go to pre school and school End of POV
Onas outfit and makeup and hair
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Aries hair and outfit
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Alex POV: Ona wakes me up and asked to drop her and Ariel off at her school and I remember that we forgot to tell her that she is taking online school so I tell her that she is taking online school she looked a little sad End of POV
Ona: wait what about Ariel Alex: she will still be going to school I can drive her to school Ona: ok can I still go Alex: yeah just let my change Ona: ok but hurry I don't want her to be late
Alex's outfit
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You guys get in the car and drive to Ariel's pre school Skip to when you get home
Sorry this is a crappy chapter I ran out of ideas 😕🙁