chapter one - metro city.

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I'm gonna give it to you straight, I was smoking pot. Not like a gross 'i'm a homeless tramp that spends all his money on drugs' sort of sesh but like, a straight up vibing kind. It was 3AM, I was on my balcony, jazz playing in the background, everything was chill.

Now as an omniscient narrator, I know everything. I practically own you. I am god to you. Worship me. Anyway, I have the power to tell you that my good christian mother was approaching the balcony door and I was not prepared to come down from my high.

"(Y/N)?" She enquired, tapping on the door.

Now in my loopy state of mind I did what any sane person would do. Which was take the polite knock of a woman who has never wronged a single person in her life as a life threatening situation.

"Well fuck". I said to myself. If she busts my pot sesh I'll never be happy again. So I said a quick prayer to Kanye and dove off the balcony.

Funny how ideas sound good in your head, but then you end up in intensive care.

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"Ma'am. I'm afraid your arm is busted." The doctor strode around me like he owned the goddamn place. "We're dealing with paralysis from the waist down if we don't get you to a proper hospital, not a fucking shithole like this."

'Shit.' I thought to myself, 'I went and lost myself my smoking arm. And it looks like I ain't gonna be having any legs either.'

"However!" The doctor interjected, "There is the technology available to fix your mangled legs in a research hospital in Metrocity."

'Shit.' I thought to myself for a second time. But this time like a good shit sort of shit.

"We'll have you transported immediately," he continued, "I'll just need your insurance number and credit cards details."

And for a third time, but this time out loud, "Shit."

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I took a taxi to Metrocity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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