Chapter 16

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Bangette: Bang, Please come out. You've been crying for weeks now.

Bang: (Crying) J-Just leave me alone!

Bangette: I can't leave you alone, bro. At least not until you feel better. I know dad was the one that made you feel loved the most but so am I and all our sisters. And all our friends are on your side. So please come out or at least open the door, Bang. Please? You can't just stay there crying all day.

Bang: (Crying) Ok. You can come in.

Bangette: Hey. Come here. You ok?

Bang: (Crying) No. I-I really miss Daddy. I know I-I promised his I would be strong and happy but...I-I can't be happy anymore.

Bangette: Shhh. I know. I miss him too. It's ok,

Bang: (Crying) No it isn't.

Bangette; Shhh. I promised you everything would be ok and I kept my promise for a long time. There there. Shhh. It's ok, Bang.

Bang: (Crying) I-I highly doubt it.

Bangette: Here, Bang. Blow your nose. It might make you feel better.

Bang: (Blows nose)

Bangette: There you go. See?

Bang: (Crying) Th-Thanks. But I-I don't really feel any better.

Bangette: Do you want another hug?

Bang: (sniffling) Mhm.

Bangette: Feel any better?

Bang: (Crying) No. I-I think I'm gonna take a quick nap of you don't mind.

Bangette: Sure. I don't mind. Night.

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