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At the end of the day, he watched Eleanor fiddle with the lock from his door frame as students scrambled to get out of the school. He watched Amber walk up to her.

"What do you want?" That was the most attitude Eleanor ever had in her voice.

"I want to apologize. I was only trying to protect you."

"Protect me from what!?"

"I told you!"

"You're insane! There's nothing going on with him, okay?"

"Just listen to me!"

"I'm not going to listen to you! Here, let me save you the trouble." Eleanor let the books in her arms fall to the floor.

Amber sighed and was in the process of bending down to retrieve them.

"Don't." Eleanor's voice was stern. "Just go home, Amber."

"Eleanor -"

"Go... home."

Without a second thought, Amber left the area, heading downstairs and out of the building. Eleanor kneeled and collected her binders, placing them in the locker. The halls were empty, now was his chance.

"Eleanor!" he called, grabbing her attention.

"Hi, Mr. Urie." she tried to smile, closing the locker.

"I need to speak with you, it's pretty urgent."

"Oh, okay." She walked over to him. "Is everything okay?"

"Come inside."

She did, following Mr. Urie to his desk where he opened his laptop.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. My grade book is showing you're missing an essay."

"What, really?"

"Yeah, from last week. I'm just as surprised as you are. Are you sure you did it?"

Eleanor thought for a minute. "To be honest, no. I don't remember completing one this month."

"Would you like to do it now?"

"Yes please."

Brendon reached into his desk, pulling out a packet of paper. Eleanor took it back to her desk.

"Take your time." He said.

Eleanor began writing, and Brendon watched what was soon to be his. He just had to wait.

20 minutes pass. Then 30, 40, 45. Eleanor finally stands up, placing the essay on Mr. Urie's desk.

"Finished," she said in a depressive tone.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, just... that essay might not be my best one."

He chuckled. "Why do you say that?"

"I kind of got into an argument with a friend today, and while I was writing, I couldn't help but think all the ways where I could've handled it better."

"I thought it took you a while. What was the argument about?"

"I'd rather not say."

He nodded. "That's fair. Is it anything an apology can fix?"

"I guess. I am the one who came on a little strong."


"I don't know what's been going on with me lately. First, I forget an essay. Then I come off as a jerk to my friend."

"Well, whenever I notice I'm a little... off, I limit it to tiredness. Are you tired, Eleanor?"

"I don't know, maybe."

He stood up and walked around to her. "Tell you what, how about no matter how 'terrible' you think your essay is, I don't give you anything below an 85. And don't worry about tonight's homework, take a mental health break."

Eleanor smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Urie."

He wrapped his arms around her, and she did the same. He took the syringe out of his pocket, stabbing Eleanor in the side and extracting the liquid.

"Ow!" Eleanor yelped, letting go.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Urie pretended to sound concerned, surreptitiously putting it in his pocket.

"I- I don't know, it felt like a bee sting." she held her side, as she went to get her backpack.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I just need..." Eleanor lost her balance, but Mr. Urie caught her before she hit the floor.

"Eleanor? Eleanor?"

He watched her eyes fall shut, and her breathing become steady. He held her close to his chest, playing with her hair.

"Eleanor." Mr. Urie gently placed her head on the floor, then reached into her jean pocket, pulling out a cell phone. He also took her backpack. Quickly, he exited the room and went to Eleanor's locker. He fiddled with the combination until it opened, and placed the phone and backpack inside, closing it.

Silence confirmed the school was empty as he went back to his room and looked at the unconscious girl. He lifted her and slung her over his shoulder, turning off the light on his way out.

Billie and Adrienne walked through the front door when they returned home.

"Eleanor, we're home!" He called out.

No response.

"She's probably asleep." Adrienne said, hanging up her coat.

"What, at 7:00?"

"Maybe. At least ask her if she wants dinner."

Billie headed upstairs, knocking on her daughter's door. "Eleanor? Are you okay?"


He quietly turned the knob, unveiling an empty room.

"Eleanor?" He called a little louder.

Billie went to the bathroom, no sign of his daughter. Confused, he headed downstairs to his wife in the kitchen. "Did Eleanor say she was going somewhere after school?"

"No, why?"

"I can't find her. She's not in her room or the bathroom."

"What about her backpack?"

"I didn't see it. Could she have not been here at all?"

Adrienne went over to the landline. "I'll call her phone." She dialed the number. It went straight into voicemail. "Maybe she's with Amber, I'll call her mom." She dialed the number.


"Amber, is that you?"

"Yeah, who is this?"

"Adrienne, Eleanor's mom. Is Eleanor with you?"

"No, why would she..."

"She never made it home. Where was the last place you saw her?"

"After school. We were getting ready to leave and... Eleanor was at her locker..." Amber's eyes widened. "Oh my God."

"Amber? Are you okay?"

"You have to call the police!"

"The police? Why?"

Billie narrowed his brows.

"I think Eleanor's in danger! Send them to your house, I'll be there soon!"

"Wait, Amber!"

The phone hung up. Adrienne looked at her husband.

"What'd Amber say?"

"Eleanor. She's in danger."

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