Chapter 3

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September 21 2019 4pm

Freddie joins stupidness

Freddie: hey any of yall wanna get drunk?

Roger: yea. with who?

Bri: me and Fred

Deacy: and me

Freddie: SoRrY DeAcY OnLy 18+

Deacy: ThEn wHy aRe yOu eVeN AsKiNg? HuH???

Freddie: cuz i want to get drunk that's why

Bri: ok count us in too ^-^

Freddie: alright everyone be to my house by 8 ok?

Roger: ok

Bri: i might be a bit late since i live far away

Freddie: hurry up then

Deacy: fine

Bri: ok


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September 21 2019 7:39

Freddie joins stupidness

Freddie: just got the drinks🤭

Deacy: im leaving. i almost got caught by my mum. She asked me "WhErE ArE YoU GoInG JoHn" So i said, "ThE PaRk" IM STUPID IT'S NOT GONNA BE OPEN THIS LATE 🤡🤬

Bri: you idiot. Shouldv'e went out through your window. Im gonna pick Roger up on the way. So hurry the hell up Roger

Roger: didn't u say "it takes an hour to get to your house Fred"?

Bri: yes. Without a car it takes an hour. With one, it takes 30 mins.😄

Deacy: can u pick me up to. I would ask Freddie but his mum would probably go in his room to make sure he doesn't have anything.

Freddie: she won't cos im not stupid enough to GO OUT THE FRONT DOOR unlike u. She simply wouldn't know. 🤭 Imma pick u up Deacy. Just wait for me a few houses down

Bri: when the hell did u get a car Fred?

Freddie: oh im walking

Bri: !your stupid! 😌

Roger: ya

Deacy: thx Bri😀

Freddie: that was for me, John ur an idiot.

Deacy: i stole it. U should be happy😀

Bri: yea be happy Fred.

Freddie: we don't need ur 2 sense Roger (or Bri) Just get Roger -__Stonks____-

Roger: i didn't know u eat "stonks"

Deacy: seriously tho, not to be mean, but it's gonna be 8 by the time ur here. How bout halfway we meet up?

Freddie: ok fine halfway we meet up then we run for it (so my mum doesn't figure out im gone)

Deacy: im here

Freddie: ok i see u

Roger: c'mon Bri! John & Fred r in da lead!😄🤡

Deacy: i didn't know we're racing c'mon lets go Fred!😂☠️

Freddie: ok

Bri: whatever- oh shit hi Fred & Deacy c'mon get in the bloody car. It'll be quicker!🤡☠️

Fred: ok c'mon Deacy!- Get the kitty too!

Roger: wait- no not the cat!🤯😑

Bri: ur mum is gonna be pissed when she see's it. Plus u don't know if it has a disease, or if it's trained or not.!😬😦

Fred: that's exactly why we're bringing it. Its to help the kitty. 🙂

Deacy: just don't hit or step on da kitty or do any bad things to it or Fred will kick ur 🤬☠️

Freddie: Deacy no cheese on toast for u... Unless ur rlly hungry then ya u can have some >:D

Deacy: u asshole u know i can't live without it!

Roger: otherwise ur weakness....
Deacy --> eats cheese on toast 1 every min --> lives.
Deacy --> somebody says "no cheese on toast for u" --> Gets triggerd.
Deacy --> gets no more cheese on toast --> dies (most likely)

Deacy: after reading that i feel like im addicted to it dammit 😭

Freddie: NUUUUUUUUU don't cry Deacy -hugs-

Deacy: -hugs back and cries into shoulder-

Freddie: dammit u ruined my shirt

Deacy: ur welcome. That the price 😄

Roger: yeetus to the fetus. Ur gay congrats.... Both of u to be exact.

Deacy: why is ur 'text' like dat? The font? Wtf?

Bri: just make sure the cat doesn't piss in the car or i'll ditch it

Freddie: Im not gay, Im bi. And even if it does we aren't gonna ditch it

Roger: i can't get my font off this setting🤬

Freddie: Rog, just fiddle around with ur key board...


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