Chapter One: Lily

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Many years ago, dragons ruled the world. They were brilliant creatures, who could become human. At least that is what the stories my aunt told me when I was little. She told me my dad was one, but I don't believe her. I never met my parents. They left with my aunt and vanished. My aunt took care of me, up until a couple days ago. She passed away because her heart failed and now I am on my own.

High school isn't so bad, but I don't get along with anyone there. I am too weird for them. I love art. I can put a dragon into anything. You can thank my aunt for my love of dragons. I put on a tough facade for everyone in school so I don't become a burden to anyone.

"Lily, are you doing alright? You've seemed a little off since your aunt passed." A girl from my class called. I know her. She is on the cheer leading team, the captain if I am to be honest.

"Yeah, I am fine. Sorry if I worried you." I plastered a fake smile on my face. This was my normal. give everyone a fake smile so that they can't see the crumbling mess that I am on the inside.

"Drawing dragons again I see. No wonder no one hangs out with you, you are such a freak." The football captain said laughing.

"Damon, keep your thoughts to yourself." The same girl scolded him.

I knew that's what everybody thought, but I didn't care anymore. I was too used to it. Since it was the end of the school day, I packed my stuff and left to go home. Leaving I saw the most popular boy in school, Apollo. I didn't want him to notice me. I had a huge crush on him when we were in elementary school. I continued walking and thought of a story my aunt used to tell me. I was so lost in the story that when I payed attention to my surroundings again I was at a beautiful lake. The surface was like a mirror. The way the light reflected made me think of something to draw.

"How did you get here?" Apollo asked scaring me.

"No idea, I was lost in my head and when I finally came to, I was here." I said replied honestly.

I felt a strange pull that made me want to stay here. I was relaxing and peaceful.

"I guess you can stay." He said shyly. Why do I need permission to be at a lake?

I didn't want to go home anyways. Why would I, I mean nobody is going to be home waiting for me anyway. I pulled out my sketchbook and colors. I drew the lake and a big water dragon flying out of it. Deciding the colors was the hardest part because I didn't want the dragon to blend in with the lake, so I had to combine different tones of blue and purple to make it pop.

"Wow, that is amazing!" Apollo said looking over my shoulder.

"You can have it If you want. It's getting late, I should probably head home since it's a school night." I said pulling the picture out of my sketchbook and handing it to him.

"Thanks, see you tomorrow." Apollo smiled and left.

It turned out that I wasn't too far from home once I figured where in the woods I was. Once I got inside I decided to do art instead of sleep. Ever since my aunt died, I haven't been sleeping well, so I just don't. I started to draw Apollo, I do little sketches of him every once in a while, but this piece was different.

By the time I got tiered my morning alarm went off. I did my morning routine of a shower, make-up, hair, and clothes. Today I chose to wear a pink sweater, blue skinny jeans, and pink converse with a white bad hair day beanie. I grabbed my bag, after I put all my homework away, and headed off to school.

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