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window, a wistful smile on her face. The trees and signs passed by like how fast 2019 had gone. She wondered if 2020 would go even faster. New Years had passed, and now she was welcoming this new beginning into her life. A new decade. A new year. A new start.

She didn't think she was ready for this big of a change. Most of her friends had moved out of her neighbourhood, near to the city. They had wanted to see the new "country-humans" up and close. She didn't want to get involved with all the racket, so she didn't join them of their "manhunt". [name] didn't get what all the fuss was about! They sure looked unique but what her colleagues had told her was that they had heard rumours about them being "handsome" and "hot". The only thing that had intrigued her was that they had become the new leaders of this very world.

The countryhumans were discovered just at the end of last year, near Christmas Eve. They just; appeared, out of thin air. No one knows how or why they got here out of all places. Some say they were teleported into this universe, others say it was a gift from the gods.
[named hummed contentedly, playing with her hair. "I guess it was sort of like a gift from the gods."
She stared out, watching the herds of trees vanish and turn into lush, green plains. "The government and politics were a mess last year."

[name] stopping herself from thinking any further about the subject, she shook her head. 'It wasn't mine to judge. I know nothing about government and politics, either than voting.' She mentally scolded herself for her minor mistake.

As [name] was being busy talking to herself like the sane human being she is, a passenger tapped her shoulder telling her that they had reached the city. She quickly jumped up and thanked the person as she skedaddled away with her luggage in tow. Now, 'Why is [name] going to the city after you blabbered on about her not wanting to go?' You ask. Well, that is because her dear old friend, Daniel, had so kindly requested that he needed her presence in the city for a small task. [name] being the kind and generous person she is, accepted that request and had set off for the city right away. She was now heading to the address Daniel had texted her.

A modern, sparkling new apartment block came into view through the taxi window. [name]'s eyes widened to the size of saucers as she took in the size of the abnormally tall building. Big bold letters were imprinted into the sides of the apartment block. It said in capital letters, "CH APARTMENT." She thanked the driver, handing him the money and strode to the apartment.

[name] lifted an eyebrow at the strange name. "CH Apartment?" She murmured, fiddling with the strands of stray wool dangling from her scarf. "I wonder if that stands for something."

[name] walked towards the supposedly sliding doors, noticing a pin pad on the left. The girl pulled out her phone and swiped to Daniel's texts about the apartment block. "0186352772." She whispered under her breath and punched in the numbers into the keypad. She didn't want anyone to hear and sneak in after all, do we?

An alarm let out a loud beep and they door slid open with ease. [name] shuffled in, un-used to this large amount of security. She glanced around, from the red plush carpet, to the tinkling chandelier that hug from a mirrored ceiling. Almost no one was there except for the single human lady who was sitting at the information desk. "What did you get me into this time, Daniel?" [name] huffed as she made her way to the elevators, nearly tripping on the carpet on the way.

She pushed the up button, checking her phone for the second time. "Holy cow." She muttered, glaring at the number written in the text. "178th floor." Unlucky girl. She had a dreadful fear of heights.

[name] wiped away her nervous sweat and gulped. 'Come on [name]. Time to face your fears.' She prepped herself in her thoughts. She was still determined to do the task Daniel had asked her, yes. But this was making her seriously doubt the fact that Daniel had stopped poking fun at her.

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