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where [name] was standing. He chuckled lightly under his breath and strode over to her, hands in pockets. The other two didn't notice the Canadian and continued with their strained greeting. [name] stood there as stiff as a board, looking like she wanted to leave as cold sweat built up on her forehead. She fidgeted with her hands until she noticed Canada walking towards her. He was welcomed with a wobbly smile and a timid wave.

Canada inwardly awed at the sight but smiled back, stepping up beside her. "You don't look like you're having the best time." He commented, studying her uncomfortable expression with light concern. "I don't think you would be sweating that much if you were alright." Canada slipped his hand into his shirt pocket and pulled out a handkerchief with the Canadian flag embroidered onto it. He softly dabbed it onto her forehead.

[name]'s cheeks turned a bright pink as she stumbled out a quick answer. "I.. I'm just not used to this many people in one room." She drummed her fingers against her other hand. "I don't do well with social stuff."

Canada faintly gasped, ceasing his light dabbing of his handkerchief. "You have social anxiety?" He questioned cautiously. [name] gave an awkward smile while shifting on her feet. 'Oh fuck.' She inwardly cursed. 'He's not going to like me after that. Why did I even say that? He's probably going to think I'm a hermit. Or a antisocial weirdo.' Canada cut her thoughts off with a light huff and frown and gazed at the floor. "You should have told me before." He put a hand to his neck, scratching it. "I would say I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable here with us but you already are."

[name] shook her hands quickly in front of her, her face panicked. "No, no, no, I'm not uncomfortable with you guys. It's just the overwhelming amount." She spluttered out. Canada sighed in relief looking back up at her. "That's good to hear. I'm sorry that I didn't see the signs before—"


Canada sighed in annoyance as he glared at his brother. "That was a necessary apology. Please stop screaming halfway across the room." He spoke at an acceptable volume. "This apartment echoes so your voice is twice as loud in here."

America rolled his eyes under his sunglasses and went back to his conversation with Japan.

Unfortunately, America's screaming had brought attention to the girl who stood behind Canada. A certain British man made his way over to the two, straightening his tie. He cleared his throat to gain their attention. Canada turned around with a small smile. "Hey dad." He greeted, nodding in acknowledgment. [name] slightly smiled, clasping her hands in front on her. "Good evening." She meekly murmured, discreetly scanning the man. She's seen him on the news back at her town. Britain, otherwise known as United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.... or just UK.

Britain held his hand out giving a polite nod. "I'm assuming you know me?" He hummed, pointing to the flag on his face with his free hand. [name] gave a small "Yes." She took his hand, only for her hand to be lightly kissed by him. Her face turned a bright red, letting her hand drop from his grasp. Britain softly chuckled at her reaction and looked to Canada. "She's a shy one isn't she?"

Canada agreed, softly patting [name]'s back as she stood with her red face in her hands. "Hey, [name]? Could I tell Britain your problem right now so we can try and do something to help it?" He asked her tenderly. She responded with a squeak of permission. Canada turned to Britain who was visibly confused. "There is a problem?"

Canada nodded, gesturing towards [name]'s form. "She has social anxiety so I think we should try and get her somewhere less crowded." He proposed, watching Britain's face morph into understanding. Britain turned to [name], smiling. "There is an area in the corner of this room where not many countries go if you want to go somewhere less crowded, love."

[name] instantly agreed, making Britain grin. "Excellent. Now lets head over there, shall we?" He held out his hand. Britain lifted an eyebrow at her hesitation and airily laughed, noticing her flustered expression. "I won't kiss it again." He assured her, making [name] sigh in relief. She took it and he led her to an area where books filled shelves, fairy lights hung from the ceiling and beanbags scattered the ground. She looked around in awe.

Canada followed with a content smile, glancing around at the small environment. "I haven't been here in ages." He hummed. "It's always calming to be here."

The countries turned to [name] to see what she thought of the area but only got their words stuck in their throat as they took in the scene of the lights reflecting off of her form, making her seem even more angelic as before. Britain coughed and looked away as Canada continued to stare. He covered his mouth with a clenched hand. He couldn't fall for another human. He narrowed his eyes. Not after the last one. He looked back up.

This human would only become a friend. Nothing more.

He gazed back at the girl taking in her bright features once again then looking at Canada who looked absolutely enamoured with her.

Nothing more.

927 words.

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