Belong to You

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This OS is based on the Sufiyana Pyaar Mera series ... the story starts from when Zaroon met with Saltanat and he stabbed her ... the scene really hurt me ... therefore I want to make this OS by changing the storyline before Zaroon stabbed Saltanat ... I also make this OS as a birthday present for my beloved bacchi Sanu... Happy birthday bacchi 😘😘


Silence haunted those dark room. It's so quiet that you can hear the breath of three people in the room. Three people with three different intentions.

Zaroon stared at the woman in front of him. There were two women in front of him, but only one was the focus of his attention. Flashes of anger and hatred were evident in his eyes.

That woman ... the woman who has haunted his life. A woman with a face that he really hates. The face that he wanted to eliminate from the earth but somehow he missed that face too.

His mom, the woman he loved so much, the woman who always supported him, the woman who always stood beside him, had been snatched away by the woman in front of him.

Meanwhile the woman stared at Zaroon feeling helpless. Deep in her heart she felt she had a deep connection with him. She approached him, staring deeply into his eyes. She felt she knew those eyes. Eyes that are now staring at her with full of hatred. She glanced at the knife in the man's hand, but there was no fear in her heart. Who exactly is this man to her?

A flash of memory as his mom died laying in his hand appeared in Zaroon's memory. Instantly he remembered his intention to take revenge on his mom's murderer.

"Kainaaattt !!!" he shouted as he pushed the woman and held her against the wall.

The woman who was called by the name Kainaat closed her eyes resignedly to what the man in front of her was doing. All she knows, she is a murderer. But how it happened she did not know at all. She even just found out that her name was Kainaat.

Zaroonwas breathing raggingly. An inner struggle between revenge and becoming a murderer came in his mind. His hand that holding the knife shook hard. The woman opened her eyes. And a distance of only a few inches they looked at each other. Eyes meet eyes. Even their breaths brushed each other's faces.

Somehow Zaroon felt his heart skip a beat as he looked closely into her eyes. He felt like it's the eyes of someone who he has missed for long time. Is it like the eyes of the old Saltanat? He quickly erased the thought from his mind.

"You're the man in my sketch," the woman said suddenly.

Zaroon narrowed his eyes. "What rubbish are you talking about," he snapped with a ragging breath.

"What is the relationship between us? Why do I feel that we are so close? Who am I to you?" asked the woman helplessly.

"You don't need to play your cheap drama in front of me. Today I will finish you off. Just as you killed my mom, so you will die in my hands," Zaroon said in a hateful tone.

The woman's body shook. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "So it's true that I am a murderer? I killed your mother. I deserve to die," she said, closing her eyes as if preparing to lay down her life for the man in front of her.

"You really deserve to die," Zaroon said in a trembling voice. He raised his trembling hand that holding the knife ready to stab her.

"Love doesn’t happen with face or body. It gets ruined but love will be there. Our bodies will die and our souls will unite in that world. We will meet in that world where there is much love," the woman murmured.

Zaroon's eyes widened at the words of the woman in front of him. He lowered his hand that holding the knife. He then gripped her arm making her open her eyes. "What are you saying?" he snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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