Midnight Pursuit - (Chapter 1)

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Oh lordy be, I am so terribly sorry for the long wait for the first chapter to this story. It's been like four months since I've last posted an update. A lot has been on my plate plus school and work has been kicking my butt.

On the bright side, I've managed to finish these story. Again, I am sorry for those who've been waiting for an update. Next time when I'm writing a story, I won't take this long. If I do take long, just yell at me ok.


The brightness of tall street lamps shone throughout the nighttime view of the city of London while some streets were covered in darkness. A couple can be seen with their two children shortly before a shadowy figure wearing a hood was seen passing right by them. The figure then goes up on the rooftops as they moved fast across them. The figure kept moving from rooftop to rooftop with speed so impressing that they've passed by the Big Ben which is seen to be fully lighten up with neon golden lights indicating where the clock is at. The tower was also covered in many different colors such as blue, purple, red, pink, and light green. The figure stops and uses blue colored material which had some resemblance to wires as they low themselves down from the rooftop holding them in front of a window.

The figure then pulls out a sniper rifle before pointing it out into the distance. By looking through the heatseeking scope, the figure had the perfect view of a park that had a bunch of people at. Meanwhile at the park, Jon and Mark were seen on a stage. "Alright everyone, I know the police force of the dictatorship will soon figure out what's going, but don't worry, Mark and I will fix the problem before it gets even worse" said Jon. "Oh and one more thing, Eduardo will be coming here soon. The train is just a little late" said Mark. Without anyone noticing, the figure locks onto both Jon and Mark with their finger on the trigger.

It wasn't till the figure gets interrupted as they looked up to see someone throwing needles at them. The figure dodges this by kicking forward on the wires before going through the window and entering into a building. Once inside the figure suddenly gets a ton of needles thrown at them causing them to get pinned up against a wall with their weapon knocked out their hands. They soon get confronted by the person who was responsible for throwing the needles. "Well well well, look at what I found. I'm the best detective working with the Red Army known as Zhong wei. So you must be Killmonger, one of the deadliest assassins to ever exist, right? Let's not forget that you're all cybernetic" asked Zhong Wei. Killmonger responds to this by slowly taking a needle out and throws it right at Zhong Wei who moves slightly to the right.

This gives Killmonger the chance to break free while removing their hood as they used their wires to take back their sniper rifle. "So that's how you're going to be? Very well then, let's get serious" said Zhong Wei. Killmonger readies the sniper rifle not long before dodging a punch from an incoming Zhong Wei. Killmonger uses some sort of speed rush to go to a staircase to use their wires to go up the very long spiraling staircase while Zhong Wei was seen running up the stairs. Killmonger attempts to shoot him with the sniper rifle but every bullet missed. Zhong Wei eventually made it the top of stairs and as he turned the corner, Killmonger fired more bullets at Zhong Wei who quickly takes cover just in time.

The bullets then stopped allowing Zhong Wei to take out two combat pistols before coming out of his hiding spot hoping to fight Killmonger in a epic gun show. Unfortunately, this didn't happen since Killmonger was no where to be seen. Zhong Wei then notices one of Killmonger's wires hanging from the ledge of the ceiling as he followed it to see that it leads to an open window. Zhong Wei climbs up the wire and goes through the window till he eventually got out onto the rooftop of the building. "Crap. Where did they go?" asked Zhong Wei. Zhong Wei proceeds to go and find Killmonger by traveling across rooftop to rooftop.

"Now if I were a skilled skilled assassin where would I be? Oh yeah.....hiding" said Zhong Wei. As Zhong Wei kept going, he gets an unexpected surprise when Killmonger appeared right out of nowhere and attempts to punch Zhong Wei while his back was turned. However, Zhong Wei reads this and managed to move to the side just barely as Killmonger's entire fist smashed through the shingles of the rooftop. "Jesus man.....you were too quiet. You need to get a bell or something" said Zhong Wei. Killmonger lifts their fist up before cracking their fingers. As what it seems to be in slow motion, Killmonger runs up to Zhong Wei to attack him yet Zhong Wei dodges. The two continue fighting across different rooftops till Zhomg Yue punches Killmonger; however, Killmonger's entire body dissolves into cubes before disappearing which confused and shocked Zhong Wei.

"What the? How? How did- How did they do that!? That's impossible!" said Zhong Wei. Zhong Wei kept going across more rooftops as he jumped over a rooftop that was in the view of Big Ben. It wasn't till a hand came out of an open rife as it went for Zhong Wei's face, surprising him. Before he could react, Killmonger fully came out of the open rife as they forcefully dragged Zhong Wei at high speed, going through the clock part of Big Ben and through several buildings till they eventually reached to a very tall building. After going through another wall, Zhong Wei gets up unharmed as he was suddenly faced by Killmonger who was standing in front of him on a perch. "What are you....?" asked Zhong Wei.

Killmonger again doesn't respond to the question; instead, they slowly reached for a sword and pulls it out as a red glowing dragon appears as Killmonger swings the sword. The dragon comes rushing at Zhong Wei who dodges it not long after when Killmonger appears right behind him and throws him up through the ceiling. The two traveled up to several floors till they eventually made it to a floor that seemed to be a museum. "God they're so fast!" said Zhong Wei. Zhong Wei watches carefully as Killmonger pulls out shurikens before throwing them at him. Zhong Wei manages to dodge these as the shurikens got stuck on a wall behind him.

Without even noticing, the shurikens catch fire setting the entire wall ablaze. Zhong Wei reacts to this by grabbing a fire extinguisher that was next to him and begins using it to put out the flames. This gave Killmonger the perfect opportunity to fire a blue energy beam from their hand at Zhong Wei; however, Zhong Wei predicts this and immediately moves away as he ran straight towards Killmonger. Once close enough, Zhong Wei punches Killmonger right in the stomach before picking them up and throwing them through a window. Unfortunately, as soon as Zhong Wei did that, he was expecting to see one of Killmonger's wires wrapped around his leg before getting pulled causing him to dragged out to the outside where he was seen falling. That's when Zhong Wei looks up to see Killmonger holding their sniper rifle before firing a bullet right at him.

Zhong Wei takes out a dagger that was seemly large enough to deflect the bullet making it ricochet off many surfaces as Zhong Wei frees himself in order to swing through the night skyline on the wire till he lands on the top of a speeding train just only barely. As Zhong Wei stood up, Killmonger lands on top of the train just as the bullet from their sniper rifle suddenly appears piercing through the train car. It turns out that it was a gas tank and before anyone could do anything the gas explodes. Luckily Zhong Wei was far away from the tank as he saw a huge wave of fire. He thought it was over, but he wasn't expecting to see Killmonger walking out of the fires without a single scratch on any part of their body. Being a complete show off that they are, Killmonger simply brushes ash off their shoulders like it was nothing before swiftly taking out a dual light saver before pointing it Zhong Wei.

"Oh you've done it this time...." said Zhong Wei as he took out two swords. There was a slight pause for a moment before the two rushed forward and started a blade fight. The two demonstrated their amazing skills and agility in blade combat, but it seems that they're both evenly matched. The two kept going until the train went through a tunnel and once coming out, Killmonger was gone. Zhong Wei sighs in relief, but it ends when the trains stops as he quickly gets off of it.

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