chapter three

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the scream could be heard on every block of the school, making students and teachers to stop on their tracks and turn to where they heard it.

"w-what was that scream for..?" chan stammered and vernon looked at him with fright.

"should we go check it out?" vernon asked, he hesitated actually, but at the same time he's very curious on what's happening. the students around them decide to go where they heard the scream, talking and making weird assumptions to each other.

vernon and chan walked together, following the other students as well until they reach the second floor and—

"o-oh my go—" chan choked on his words when he saw the grisly view in front of him... in front of everyone else.

some students walked away, some mourned and some felt terror. it was horrible, gruesome... to see a young lady whose faith in life isn't with a peaceful death. her eyes shot opened, her bones dislocated on every part... her neck seemingly to have been fully twisted.. how does one fall down on the stairs so horrendously?

"h-her eyes are tearing b-blood.." one frightened student say, and everyone have gotten even more fearful. their hearts beating hard, their sweats trickling and their nose sniffling... quickly, the teachers assisted everyone to go back to their class.

but one stayed, seeing the gruesome death of a young female. it was jihoon, he recognised the girl from the hall way before; the one who brought up a prohibited topic. he looked around to find her friend that ran away but, she was no where. could it be her that screamed?


"what is happening?" jeonghan asked seungcheol, who's busy thinking about the incident that happened yesterday.

seungcheol didn't answer. wonwoo and soonyoung were traumatised by it and had no appetite to eat their lunch. seungkwan on the other hand looks stressed and terrified.

minghao slowly took a bite on his sandwich and sighed, never expecting something like this to happened when he enrolled. he looked at everyone who sat on the same table, seungkwan is the only one that looked more scared.

"hyung, i think i know why it happened to her," jihoon spoke up and everyone looked at him.

"what do you mean?" the older boy asked.

jihoon bit his lips, heads down to his hands and hoped nothing would happened when he'll speak. "she... she talked about it.. the rumours that's going around at the library."

chan looked confused and asked him to repeat again. "the girl who died, she talked about something she shouldn't have... could it be a coincidence that she died on the second floor next to the library?"

it was all silence after jihoon said those. everyone became more scared, especially seungkwan.

"why can't someone just follow the f*cking rules or go to the side of the bridge to talk about it?!" wonwoo burst out, rubbing his hair abruptly and left the table. jun followed the boy to accompany him.

minghao was addled by wonwoo's actions. "why is he like that?" he asked.

"one have died from a deed that broke, and now everyone is affected," joshua muttered but minghao heard it all.

"does that mean we'll all die just like her?"

"in a different, most horrible way in fact," seungcheol answered for him. "it happened before, wiped out almost everyone in this school."

soon, the atmosphere have gotten dismal, everyone became cold and silence filled the room. seungcheol and wonwoo had their eyes closed, the others stare at one place, knowing this familiar sensation around them.

"they've been listening, they always have."

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