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Mom: hi sweetheart, is everything okay we are all worried about you? xxxx

Kiara: I'm okay mom just tired from everything xxxx

Mom: remember don't stress or tire yourself out you should be on bed rest you are close to your due date xxxx

Kiara: mom I'm being careful Kylie is nearly close to her due date too but she's still active and doing stuff. Music is my life mom and I have already finished most of the songs for my album so I'm taking a break from it xxxx

Mom: Ik and I can't wait. Kylie is alright I have spoken to her already she's more concerned about you after everything that happened xxxx

Kiara: mom I love you all but I'm fine I doing well it's just I want to tell Justin my secret he deserves to know xxxx

Mum: I love you too and yes he deserves to know. I'm coming over with khloe to cheer you up xxxx

Kiara: okay mom and can you bring some Poptarts? xxxx

Mom: yes see you soon xxxx
Read at 13:40pm

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