2 || party?

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golden tree-0

bisexualbooks guys, we should go to the party @ the slytherin dorms tonight

thebiwholived what why?

ronbledore what have you done with hermione

bisexualbooks guys it's me and we should go bc a bunch of our friends from other houses with be there

ronbledore so will pansy, blaise, draco, and all the others slytherins... so yeah let's not go...

thebiwholived actually hermione that's a good idea, we can catch up with padma & what not

ronbledore you guys aren't serious, right...

bisexualbooks c'mon ron, we can just avoid the slytherins

thebiwholived just come for a couple hours then we can go back to our dorm

ronbledore ok fine.. but only because i love you guys!

bisexualbooks yay thank you!

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