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It takes Daniel about five minutes before he notices Beth and I watching him, from the beach I see him curl his lips up into a smirk and brings the sea-doo towards us.

"What do you think he's doing?" Beth asks me.

"Who knows," I respond shrugging turning back to my book, and putting my head phones in. Not even halfway through the first song on my playlist someone takes my book out of my hands, looking up I see Daniel and I instantly get annoyed.

"What the heck Daniel," I tell him annoyed.

"Good Morning to you to E-squared," he responds cockily.

"What do you want,"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a sea-doo ride."

"Well as you could see I'm busy."

"Yeah being a complete nerd."

"Whatever Daniel, may I have my book back now." Daniel gives me my book back and when he turns around I notice he has a tattoo on his right shoulder, of two mountains and a single tree.

Looking over at Beth she nods over to Daniel which is her way of asking "what just happened with you two?" I just shrug in response. I look over at Daniel again and see him looking over at us, but mainly looking over at me.

All of a sudden I get very self conscious of how I look in my bathing suit. I look over at Beth and she moves her head in the direction of the sea-doos, I nod in response agreeing to go on them. Putting my book and headphones back in my bag I get up and we walk over to the sea-doos.

"Oh so you'll go when Beth asks but not when I do, that's just rude E-squared," Daniel comments.

"No what's rude is calling me 'E-squared' when I've asked you to stop calling me that already," I sassily tell him.

He just rolls his eyes and gets back onto his sea-doo and goes back into the middle of the lake waiting for us. Beth and I look at each other and smirk getting onto our sea-doos. Speeding off in the direction of Daniel and turning away at the last second we manage to splash Daniel and get him completely soaked.

"HEY! What the heck E-squared," he calls at me.

I shrug in response and just speed away, in attempt to avoid him doing the same thing to me in return.


By the time we get back to the beach, Beth and I are soaked and laughing like idiots. Daniel ended up catching up to us and getting us soaked in revenge. But of course Beth and I couldn't careless about getting soaked. We went swimming for a little bit before we went back to the beach and tanned for the rest of the day skipping lunch and heading back to the cottage for dinner.

"Hey why don't we invite Daniel to come to?" Beth asks me.

"No," I respond shortly.

"Why not? He's clearly into you," Beth explains.

"Okay, one he is not into me, and two don't get to comfortable around him, there's something I don't quite get about that boy," I tell her giving my stern look.

"Okay you need to stop being so over dramatic about stuff," Beth tells me.

"Whatever," I respond rolling my eyes.

Beth drops the subject and we walk back to the cottage in silence. Once back at the cottage I see that my parents had left, shrugging I walk up to the front door and open it going straight to the kitchen.

"Want frozen pizza?" I ask Beth.


I take out the pizza, turn on the oven setting it to what the pizza box says to. While Beth and I wait for the oven to heat up we decide to head to the loft and hang out their.

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