Cute with a dash of wild side

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You we're a traveling gym leader and you decided it would be a good thing to go to the Galar region.

Y/N: I wonder what kinda of cute Pokemon will find there Sylveon.

Sylveon: Sylveon.

The plane landed and you were incredibly jet lagged then you went to your hotel room and passed out for the rest of the day.

The next day.

You got out the shower and putting on the most pastel and girly outfit you had.

Sylveon: Sylveon, Sylve.

Y/N: what is it Sylveon?

Sylveon gave you your watch.

Y/N: gasp* I'm gonna be late!

You grabbed your stuff and Sylveon and slammed the door shut.

And you bolted to the center of hammer lock because a event was about to start.

Meanwhile in a complete different part of Hammer lock.

Raihan: honestly Leon why do you have to drag me into this.

Leon: sorry you know How Sonia gets when the pokemon ball comes around.

Raihan: the Pokemon Ball huh, I'm actually surprised that Sonia actually likes that stu- uff*

Someone bumped into Raihan from behind.

???: ouch.

Raihan: are you ok Miss?

???: Yes and sorry if is bumped into you.

Raihan: no problem just be careful next time.

Y/N: ok.

Raihan pulled you up and realized you are very short, and then he looked at your outfit.

Raihan mind: I wonder what kind of bet that this chick lost because she looks way to girly.

Y/N: Thank you, now if you excuses me I need to go somewhere bye.

Raihan: bye.

Leon: huh? Oi miss you dropped you pokeball, danm she left.

Raihan: don't worry Leon she won't be hard to find.

Raihan grabbed the pokeball that you dropped but then the pokeball opened.

Leon and Raihan: uh-ho.

???: Raaaaa!

Leon: what kind of Pokemon is that.

Raihan: hold on a minute.

Pokedex: Dragonite. The dragon and flying type Pokemon,  Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just 16 hours. It's is a kindhearted Pokemon that leads lost and foundering ship's  in a storm to the safety of land.

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