Alex and Jamie where in her room, we couldn't hear anything from her room. I told Alvaro and Kairi I was gonna go to the restroom.
I knew where Jamie's room was, I decided to go and see what they were doing. I opens the door to see Alejandro's arms wrapped arm Jamie and the were sleeping.
I stormed out of the room, and slammed the door. I went back to Alvaros room.
Jamie's poc;
I was sleeping then I heard a loud slam. I was pretty sure it was my door. So I got outta bed, ale still sleeping. I went to Alvaros room.
JJ; "aye were you guys in my room?" I rubbed my eyes. Kairi; "no why"
Alvaro looked up at me and mattia was on his phone.
JJ; "oh nvm" I walked out.
Kairi walked after me. "Jamie wait" "What" I turned.
Kairi; "mattia said he was going to the restroom, I didn't hear him going to the restroom though" JJ; "there's bathroom in Alvaros room" I laughed. Kairi: "yea that's why, he walked Tours your room. They me and Alvaro her a door slam second later mattia walked in" JJ; "ah the he probably went me my room. But for what" Kairi; "I think he is jealous that your hanging out with Alex" JJ; " oh well to bad" I didn't know what to say. Kairi; "Alright well I'm go back to the room" JJ; "ok thanks for telling me"
I went back in my room. Alejandro still sleeping. I went next to him and fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up. Ale woke up minutes after me.
Ale; "good morning mamas" JJ; "good morning" Ale; "ahhh your so cute" JJ; "stop" you started to blush.
You stood up and went to the restroom and brushed your hair out. As you got out of the restroom you saw Alejandro using his phone.
Ale; "what are you gonna do today?" He asked. JJ; "I'ma clean my room and finish stealing in, since the restroom of the boxes came in yesterday." Ale; "ohhh"
As I open the door to see if alvaro was awake Alejandros phone rang. He answered it, I saw Alvaro, Kai, and mattia sleeping I walked back in and closed my door.
Ale; "ok I'm going see you in like 5 minutes bye I love you" he hung up. Ale; "it's my mom I have too go, there going out and I have to go." JJ; "oh ok well see you later" Ale; "I don't wanna go but my mom you know. Bye mamas see you later" he hugged me.
I walked him down to the door. We waved and I watched him go in his house (next door). Ale; "bye" he yelled. JJ; "bye" I waved.
I went back inside. I ate some cereal, my mom left a note saying she has to leave to go to work early. I decided to go to my room and get organized. I felt embarrassed there was 4 guys in the house and my room was a rabbits nest.
4 1/2 hours late my room was done finally!! I was settling in. Ofc Alvaro, and mattia helped me hang some stuff up. Kairi left home early.
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