Savannah citadel act 1

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In Mazuri:

Sonic an friends have made it to Mazuri to rescue the professor.
Sonic: This must be Mazuri.
Yang:Wow it's already night.
Blake: So where can we find the professor?
Weiss: Well we did went in the entrance stage last time. Look there's another one right there.
Tails: I guess that's where we'll find the professor.
While the rest agreed, Ruby was nowhere near them.
Sonic: What the? Where she go?
They all turned around to see Ruby eating sonic's favorite, chilly dogs.
Ruby: Mmmmm, yummy!
Yang: looks like my sister is still hungry.
Sonic instantly goes off to get some chilly dogs.
Sonic: I'll have 2 chilly dogs on the double!
Chef: You got it.
Ruby: There so good!
Sonic: I know right? I eat them everyday.
Chef: Here's your 2 chilly dogs.
Sonic: Thanks.
Sonic and Ruby demolishes the chilly dogs.
Sonic: Wow, that hit the spot.
Ruby: Tell me about it.
Weiss: Umm hello, are we gonna go yet.
Sonic: Oh yeah, cmon Ruby let's go.
Ruby: Right.
As sonic left, Ruby felt her heart started to bump.
Ruby: (What's this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast? Could it be that I like him? N-no that's not it. Maybe.)
Sonic: Hey Ruby, u coming?
Ruby: Coming!
Ruby: I'll think about it later.

As they went in the stage dark enemies started to attack them
Sonic: Wrrahhh! Sonic goes first slashing through the robots. Ruby slicing through the robots following with a spiral going through the next one. Yang punches the robot, sending it to where the other dark enemies are and use the missiles causing a explosion. Weiss using her dust, burning the dark plant creatures and the rest. Blake using her weapon as a boomerang, sticked to the wall and Blake kicks the robot into the wall making it explode.
Blake: Alright that must be all of them.
Yang: Look at this place, it looks like a temple.
Tails: it looks like the gate is blocked. Sonic try pulling that stone into that blue button.
Sonic: Got it.
Sonic pulls the stone into the button, making the gate open.
Tails: Alright it worked.
Sonic: Okay guys, lets keep going.
After sonic an friends battling the dark creatures they came across a target.
Ruby: Dark creatures!
Tails: Ruby, wait! We can't kill it.
Ruby: Why not?
Tails: We need that thing to throw it at the target so that way the platforms on the floor can come up.
Yang: Can't we just all get up there?
Tails: Yeah we can except Sonic.
Ruby: Alright.
Sonic throws the creature into the target making platforms from the ground show up.
They all made it through the platforms and find themselves in a room.
Ruby: Uhh what do we do here?
Sonic: Hey, there's a lever. Maybe if I move it then the thing may go up. As everyone else except sonic we're on, sonic moved the lever making the thing go up.
Blake: Wait then how's sonic gonna get up here now.
Sonic: Don't worry I got these arms remember?
Sonic stretches his arms making his way up with the rest.
Tails then heard the goal.
Tails: Guys I think I see Eggman mans lab through this gate
Sonic: Good job tails, and everyone else. Now let's go to the goal and find the professor.
Team RWBY and Tails: Yeah!
As they finished the goal, they went inside Eggman's lab and saw Professor Pickle.
Tails: Professor Pickle! Are you all right? We got here as fast as we could!
Chip came out of Sonic's hair and followed tails up to Professor Pickle.
Weiss: Ahhh I cant see his eyes
Blake: Weiss, not everyone is perfect you know.
Yang: So this must be the professor.
Ruby: We should hurry an get him out.
Sonic: Your right Ruby.
Tails: Professor?
Chip: Um, hello?
Pickle: How dare they call this culinary concoction food? Look here, do you see this sorry excuse for a sandwich? The bread should be no less than 3/4 of an inch thick. Upon it, one tablespoon of mayonnaise and a pinch of black pepper. The contents, FRESH cucumber, sliced THINLY if you please! Am I quite right Tails?
Weiss: He's complaining over a sandwich? At least the doctor even give you one!
Yang: He must be a sandwich expert.
Chip: I know I learned something here today!
Tails: P-Professor... it's good to see you haven't changed!
Pickle: But tell me, what brings you here? The menu is hardly worth the trip, if you ask me.
Tails: N-no Professor. We came here to rescue you!
Tails pushes the green button sending the professor free.
Pickle: Oh? Oh! I see, how rude of me. Right then, first things first! It's about time someone taught the chef here how to make a proper sandwich.
Ruby: He must really like sandwiches.
Sonic: Tell me about it
Weiss: (He doesn't sound like a professor at all)
Tails: You can file a complaint later, Professor!
Sonic: let's get out of here before Eggman's welcoming committee shows up.
Pickle: Oh yes. Quite. But let us be sure to collect the contents of that vault before departing.
Sonic stretches his arms punching the vault for tails to carry the contents.
Pickle: Ahh, thank you. Those documents are our only hope for surviving crisis. Let's go. There's no time to lose. I'm half-starved after being fed nothing but those terrible sandwiches!
Chip: Want some chocolate, Professor?
Pickle: My, my! Don't mind if I do!
Sonic: Okay guys, let's go.
Everyone left the lab to go back to Spagonia to explain the documents.

Back in Spagonia in the university:
Pickle: These ancient documents are known as the Gaia Manuscripts. They tell the legend of a disaster that befell our planet some tens of thousands of years ago.
Weiss: What?
Tails: A disaster...?
Pickle: Quite. And according to the Gaia Manuscripts... this isn't the first time the planet has been broken apart into pieces.
Everyone: What?
Pickle: The cause lies at the very core of the planet. All of the phenomena we've witnessed are the direct result of one creature— the hyper-energy organism spawned at the planet's core, Dark Gaia.
Ruby: That's the one you mentioned us about right Sonic?
Sonic: Yeah.
Weiss: Dark Gaia? That's like the god of destruction.
Pickle: Indeed it is.
Blake: That's insane.
Yang: Who've would've thought the planet was already been broken to pieces.
Tails: So how do we stop this Dark Gaia and put the world back together?
Pickle: luckily, Dark Gaia has yet to be fully reborn. We most likely have Dr. Eggman's pre-mature wake-up call to thank for that.
Sonic: Wow, thanks egghead.
Weiss: So it's possible to restore the planet?
Pickle: Indeed. If we act now, we may be able to restore the planet by returning power to the Chaos Emeralds. All of you, you must travel to each of the temples listed in the Gaia Manuscripts. The planet's power will restore the Chaos Emeralds, and in turn the Chaos Emeralds will restore the planet and help it heal naturally.
Sonic: Alright guys, you ready?
Yang: Ready for what?
Sonic: To restore the planets of course?
Ruby: I'm in!
Yang: Yeah a new adventure!
Blake: I'm in also!
Wises: Same here!
Yang: Wow Weiss, I never thought you said yes so fast.
Weiss: Well there's a crisis going on. If we don't stop that thing it's gonna destroy the world!
Tails: I'm in too!
Tails's remote notice something was happening.
Tails: Guys, bad news.
Sonic: What is it tails?
Tails: Eggman's already on the move and is looking for the temple of Gaia at Mazuri
Team RWBY: What?!
Sonic: Hmph, looks like we have to find it before he does, alright let's go.
As everyone leaves the university, Ruby was next to Sonic.
Ruby: Hey Sonic.
Sonic: Yeah What is it?
Ruby: You think we'll be able to stop Dark Gaia.
Sonic noticed how Ruby was kinda nervous. Sonic puts his hands in hers.
Sonic: Don't worry, we will stop Dark Gaia and restore the planet, especially you guys going back home.
Ruby blushed about what Sonic said.
Ruby: Yeah. Thanks Sonic.
Sonic: Not a problem.
That's the end of chapter 7 of this series. Looks like sonic and friends have rescued the Professor and have to stop Dark Gaia and restore the planets before he awakens. It looks like Ruby might have feelings for Sonic. Will they be able to get to Mazuri in time before it's too late. Find out next on the next chapter!
Also the next chapter will upload around 10:30 so don't miss it.

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