two .

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LAUREN AND NOAH's eyes widened, as they accidentally drop their utensils, surprised.

No. No. No. No. No.

She was glad that she wasn't chewing on food at the moment because if she was, she would definitely choke, like Johnny, who was now throwing a coughing fit beside her.

"Johnny, water." Meredith reminded him, tapping on his glass. He nodded and quickly drank it.

Lauren and Noah felt cold all over. They barely knew eachother and was now being forced to get married— what's worse was that they were in no position to argue against these powerful adults.

But there was absolutely no way Lauren was going to marry that guy. Knowing her family, this was no joke.

Sooner or later she'll divorce him and run away to Italy before her parents could disown her. She'd rather run away alone than hear her parents telling her that she was a disgrace to the family.

"Father." Lauren spoke up, trying not to sound too confident but you can clearly hear that she is upset with the news. She paused, reminding herself to stay calm and rational to keep a good image in front of her parents and their guests. "I have to say, when exactly does this supposed marriage will happen? A few years from now, when we are eligible of age?"

Her father was pleased with her reaction towards the news. He was expecting an outburst from his daughter— she was a teenager after all, but it seemed that she was just surprised and kept her seat. He was proud that Lauren was finally learning to be a proper lady, but little did he know she was screaming inside.

"No, actually. We have it set that you sign the papers two months from now. The earlier the better." Dale answered to her question, while Noah played around with his food awkwardly, still processing everything.

Two months from now... That was way too early.

"This may seem a bit sudden," Lauren's mother began. "But you two know the both of your grandparents are very close to eachother, sadly, Noah's grandfather's health is declining."

Hearing this, Noah freezed, losing his appetite. He didn't want to be reminded of it at the moment. He was especially close to his own grandfather, and had a tighter bond with him than with his own parents— who, like Lauren, were always too busy.

Lauren's old man also had a change of actions towards his food and ate in a slower way. Noah's grandfather and hers were close friends and had been classmates in school.

"I know my father would like it better if he saw any of his grandchildren getting married to any of the Orlando heirs while he is still alive." Noah's father said.

"Father... why not any of our other siblings instead? Or cousins?" Noah suggested, his perfect posture and neutral face still there, as if it had always existed with him in the first place.

"You know that is not possible, Noah. Johnny can't have Chloe— his relationship with Nadia Turner is currently going too well for the media, and the rest of Lauren's siblings don't have anyone to match with their age. You should also know that Lauren is the chosen heir to the Orlando's company— unlike her other cousins." His father explained.

Lauren stole a glance at Noah, seeing that he had not eaten quite a lot, as his plate was barely even full. She noticed him nod to his father's words, retreating, just like her.

They both knew who had a higher position here and that they could be disowned in a flash if they dare argue back.

Everything that their families cared about was business, so what does true love even mean to them? It's just another waste of time trying to find that mythical "soulmate".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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