Relax, my love

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It was an amazing wedding, surrounded by her new family in the stars. The atmosphere, the love, Loke in that white suit proclaiming his undying love for her, it had all gotten to her. She had cried in joy a lot that day. The honeymoon vacation was definitely...something else. It was safe to say Loke knew how to show her a good time and his self-satisfied smirk, that held for a long time afterwards, told her he knew how good he was. He was overconfident...but also right.

The honeymoon had to end though, just like all great things, so it was back to the grindstone for her. She'd had quite a bit of time off in total and she had a lot to make up for and boy did they let her know it. She had written a very detailed main article this week, plus a few side stories, pictures included. She had rushed around all week, spending all her time either out gathering information or at her desk furiously typing. It was now Friday, she was absolutely tired and she hadn't seen her spirits once this week. She hoped the fanbase enjoyed the issue that was published that morning, otherwise there would be blood.

There would be blood anyway, if she ever got her hands on Jason. 'The office needed a spring cleaning' her ass, he just didn't want to deal with the invading dust bunnies himself. She motivated herself with the thought of overtime pay as she slowly made her way around the office. She stopped when she got to a trophy cabinet housing the Sorcerer's many awards. She hummed to herself, trying to think of how to go about cleaning them all, when she heard someone speak behind her.

"Enjoying all your awards Lucy? I don't blame you, they were hard earned."

She didn't need to turn around to know who it was, only one man would dare flirt with her this late at night and hope to get away with it. She stayed turned to the trophies, hiding the smile creeping onto her face. She really was a goner if just hearing his voice cheered her up this much.

"I wish they were all mine Loke, sadly they belong to the magazine. I don't know how Jason expects me to clean all these. Does he want me to take them all off the shelves and dust them? Does he want me to dust the cabinet too? It's going to take ages"

"How cruel of him Lucy" She could practically hear his smirk forming around his words. "Why, the only thing I want you to take off is my clothes"

"Exactly!...Wait what?"

His words hit her like a train and she turned to face him, face a burning red. He was relaxed, pleased at finally getting her attention, sitting on her desk and watching her. How long had he actually been there before he spoke up?

"What? Has the writer never fantasized about taking me against her desk? I find that hard to believe"

Well she hadn't, but she knew what her dreams were going to be about tonight, thanks Loke.

"As a matter of fact, I haven't"

"Well now's a good a time as any to start"

How was he so smooth? It was a tempting offer, but she needed to work, right now she was too tired and cranky to get into that kind of mood. She just wanted to be done and leave.

"What's gotten you so worked up?"

"Do I need a reason?" She shot him an unimpressed glare and he sighed. "I saw the article my wife, my lovely, amazing, beautiful, smart, kind-"


"Sorry, said the W-word, my bad. It still sends me into a rush thinking about how you married me. So you can imagine how I felt when I saw your article for this week's magazine, all about our wedding"

She groaned, she had been incredibly flustered when Jason had told her that was her big story, of course Loke had read it too, could it get any worse?

The married life of Loke and LucyWhere stories live. Discover now