Chapter Thirteen

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After I sent the photos off to Sabrina and Parker, I'd deleted them from my phone and had a couple of hours without them existing in my world. I could pretend that we never went to the roller rink at all. Come Saturday; I shouldn't have stuck to my routine of lounging in my bed first thing in the morning and scrolling through my phone. My feed was covered with the torturous pictures and videos of Sabrina and Parker roller skating clumsily, them toppling over. Then there was the precious video of Parker kissing Sabrina on the cheek, and them feeding each other muffins.

The response to the duo was swift; oohing and ahhing, crooning, gossip and envy and that was only on the internet. The news would hit people that weren't the biggest followers of social media on Monday morning. Which was the perfect time as it would be announced what the theme was for prom. Both Sabrina, Parker and prom would be shoved into everyone's faces, and it would be hard not to link the two together. Propaganda worked.

The only thing that I could say after Friday night was that I didn't cry. That was an improvement, surely? And I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to die. Hell, I'd even skated all the way home without a hint of a threat to my life. My experience with girls could only improve from there on out. Maybe it was already near the end of January, but it wasn't too late to make a new year's resolution. Stop being a mess and get your shit together. No more running, skating or otherwise from girls who kiss you.

I opened my bedroom curtains and staggered back, covering my eyes with the back of my hand as the light shone into the room. Parting my fingers slightly, and peeking out the window, I was met with Sabrina's naked back from the bedroom opposite mine. My eyes widened before I dropped to the ground, crawling over to my bed and faced the other side of the room without the damn window.

Sabrina was on my feed and outside my window.

There was no escape.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door, and my heart jumped into my throat. What if it was Sabrina there to interrogate my eyes whereabouts a minute ago?

But Anna slid into the room and sat with her back to the bed beside me between the bed and the bookshelf against the wall.

"You look . . . traumatized. Is it because of the state of your room?"

"The state of my room?" The only thing out of place in my bedroom was the bedsheets and a pair of socks that were on the ground. "Speaking of, why are you in my room? You hate it in here. You once called it 'a murder scene' when I spilt a drop of red paint on the carpet that one time."

"I'm compromising."

"Oh. Cool."

"And I came to see if you were okay. Clearly, you're not."

The guilty chewing of her lip exposed her. "You've been talking to Sabrina, haven't you?"

"Sam. You skated away. Skated all the way home. I saw you last night when you got home, you know. How's your knee? Must've hurt bad to whack into the bin as fast as you were going."

Okay, so the lie I told myself that I skated home perfectly exploded in my face. "Little bruised."

"So . . . what did Sabrina do to piss you off so much that you skated home?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"She said it was up to you if you wanted to talk about it."

I huffed out a laugh because Sabrina knew if she even hinted at a secret drama, Anna would be all over it. "Okay. I'll tell you. But you have to promise that you won't get mad."

"I'll try my best."

"No. You have to swear."

"I swear on Jimmy Neutron that I won't get physically angry."

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