Chapter Ten - A Slight Detour

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Luckily, France was on the way to Italy, at least from the way they were travelling.

Also luckily, the swim didn't seem very long from Themyscira to France. 

"God, I love Paris," Aurelia declared as she and Orm stood in the city centre.  "So full of culture and history - hey, if you want to learn more about the richness of surface-dweller life, you've come to the right place." She nudged the prince who just looked unimpressed.  

"Hey, a lot of technological advancements were made throughout history right here," Aurelia told him.  "Bet you think that's pretty cool, huh?" Still, he said nothing.  She was beginning to wonder if anything would impress him. 

But she decided not to focus too much on that and instead on the fact that they were in Paris!

Ah, Paris, the City of Light. Supposedly one of the most romantic cities in the world as many people believed... Good thing Arthur wasn't here to make any jokes about that.

From Themyscira they swam through the English channel, resurfacing at Calais, Aurelia unable to help herself in giving Orm a World War II history rant.  From there they had hitched a ride to Paris - and some dry clothes.

Upon reaching Paris they headed straight for the Louvre - no time to waste.

"Damn, I really wish we had more time to look around," Aurelia said as they entered the museum. "You know, this place houses some of the most famous art in the world, like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa-"

"Let's make this quick," Orm finally spoke, cutting off her art lesson.

"Spoilsport." Aurelia strode up to the front desk  and spoke to the receptionist in French, asking to see Diana.

"Ms. Prince will be right with us," she then translated to Orm.

"Wonderful," the prince sighed.

"Aurelia Curry!" A very smiley raven-haired woman strode up to them a few minutes later.

"Diana Prince! Wonder Woman," Aurelia said, giving Diana a hug.


"Yeah, yeah, we all know you have the cooler name."

"It's so nice to see you. What brings you to Paris?" Then she turned to Orm.  "Orm of Atlantis."

"That's Prince Orm of Atlantis to you, Amazon."

"Hey, hey, please be nice," pleaded Aurelia. She turned to her fellow superhero.  "Is there somewhere we could go to talk?"

"We can go to my office," Diana suggested.

"Awesome, perfect, thank you."

Aurelia and Orm followed Diana through the museum and into the back where the offices were. Diana's own office was adorned in Ancient Greek-themed artifacts. 

"You've got your own great little museum here," Aurelia commented. "So cool."

"I'm glad you like it.  Now, what is it you wanted to discuss. It sounds serious."

"It is."

Orm and Aurelia both opened the mouths at the same time to elaborate further.  "I'll do the explaining please," she requested. Orm just sighed.

And so Aurelia launched into an explanation of what was going on for them with Atlantis and the trident, and now the new development having been to Themyscira and seeing the Amazons. She explained Queen Hippolyta's terms.

At this point in the tale, Diana turned away and began arranging papers on her desk. "Mother never wanted me to leave in the first place."

"Honestly, I wouldn't want to leave either.  I mean an island paradise verses this crazy world? Seems like an easy decision to me. But that's just me."

"It was a paradise, but still I felt trapped there."

"Fair enough."

Diana sighed.  "I want to help you, Aurelia, I really do, but I don't know if I can make such a sacrifice. I have a life here now."

"I know, and I know that we're asking a lot of you, but we're not asking you to return forever. Just for a visit."

"It's been so long since I've been there."

"Do you miss it? Even a little?"

"Yes, it's my home."

"And where your family is." Aurelia sighed.  "Listen, speaking from experience, we've both lost our Moms." She gestured to herself and Orm.  "I think I speak for both of us when I say that if we had the chance to see them again, even if just for a moment, we would take it without question.  Please, don't lose this chance to see your mother again. She wants to see you again so badly. And I think you would like to see her too." 

Diana sighed, but nodded.  "Very well.  I see your point.  I have a life here now, that I do not wish to abandon.  But I will return home for a short while to see my mother."

"Is it possible for that to happen very soon?"

"Yes, I should be able to make that work."

"Oh, thank goodness! Thank you!" Aurelia clapped her hands together. "Our work here is done."

"Good," said Orm.

"So now where are you off to?" Diana asked, both women ignoring the moody prince.


"This will be quite the journey once it is all completed."

"Yeah, no kidding, tell me about it. It already has been."

 "Please, you have swam a long way.  Take my boat to Italy."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Yes, of course. I built it myself."

"Okay, cool, thanks."

"Here, I'll give you the name of the port and directions." Diana scribbled down the information and handed it to Aurelia, who tucked the note inside the bottle for safe keeping.

The women hugged goodbye. Then Diana turned to Orm. "I never understood the rivalry between our people. I hope that can change someday." She extended her hand.  "Good luck, Prince Orm."

Orm just stared back at her.  Aurelia nudged him. "Go on, shake the lady's hand.  She's been very helpful."

Orm sighed and reluctantly did so, a very brief handshake.

Aurelia sighed back. "See what I'm dealing with?" she said to Diana.  "Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome." Diana lowered her voice.  "You and the prince..."

"Oh hell no. You sound like my cousin."

Diana chuckled.  "Well, speaking from experience, hold on tightly to those you love.  You never know if they will be snatched away." There was a certain sadness reflected in  her eyes, that of a broken heart.

"Okay then, thanks for the tip. Now, onto Italy!"

(Just a little romance advice from Wonder Woman herself! ;) That's pretty special, Aurelia!

 So, speaking of Diana, I've revisited a Wonder Woman story, just thought you might be interested!  (Not sure if I've mentioned it already!) It follows both Wonder Woman movies!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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