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I laughed and stumbled down the hall with the red plactic cup in my hand. I leaned against my bedroom door as my roaring birthday party continued around me. I turn to open my door but Amy runs up to me, "Hey Allie. Wicked party." I smile at her, she is my bestfriend and I would do anything for her. 

I twist the knob of the door as it swings open to my boyfriend, Tristan, and my sister, Ella, having sex. They are so into it they haven't even noticed me and Amy standing there. I gasp and stumble back as tears start to well up in my eyes. I stumble right into James, who was already in the hallway talking to a friend. He turns around to look at me then looks at Amy and finally looks at Tristan and Ella. I start to sob into James chest. 

Tristan was the first to react. His arm flew up to cover his eyes and he realized he had been caught. He looked around the room as more people flooded in taking pictures and his eyes finally landed on me. He didn't even notice that his dick was still in her and she was still a moaning mess with her eyes closed.

Ella finally opened her eyes when he pulled out of her. Ella screamed and tried to cover her body although it was no use. I could do nothing but stand there and watch as everything happened before me.

 I couldnt move I tried and I tried; I tried to scream at him to let him know how I'm feeling inside but nothing came out and I didn't move. I stood there watching, listening and crying. Tristan pulled the sheets off of my bed and cover himself as he ran to me. He told me how it was a mistake and how my sister seduced him. I couldn't look at him and I sure as hell couldn't talk to him. 

Everything was going in slow motion as flashes turn towards me and then everything went really fast and Tristan was at my feet holding his nose. I look up to see none other than James but he doesn't even acknowledge me. He picks Tristan up by the front of his shirt and punches him again sending him right back down to the floor. 

Ella shrieks and yells for James to stop, yells how she loves him. James picks him up by the back of his shirt collar and drags him out of the room, down the stairs, through the front down, acroos my lawn. Everyone rushes out and follows behind James even Ella got out of my bed, wrapped my sheets around her and calls after James claiming she loves my boyfriend. Well I guess ex now.

All while I stay rooted in the same place staring blankly at my bed. I dont know when or where Amy has gone but I'm feeling so incredibly alone. I walk into my room and realize that they got semen on my bed. I walk over to my bed and look down at it. I pull the rest of the sheets and blankets off the bed and carry them down stairs and out the front door to find my sister crying on the ground on the doorstep. 

I throw the blankets and sheets down in front of her, "You came on my fucking bed?! You fucking bitch! You fucked my boyfriend on my fucking bed then fucking came?!" People had started recording around us but I really didn't care at this point. I pulled my sister by her hair dragging her into the house while her legs flailed behind her and her hands clawed at mine in her hair. If she screamed I didn't hear it. 

I couldn't hear anything, there was just this ringing in my ears. I pulled her up to stand up full langth she was way taller than me but i made her crouch to my height and then punched her square in the nose with everything i had in my. I couldn't feel my hands but there was so much pain I had emotionally that I wanted her to feel it physically. I straddled her and landed punch after punch, it eventually got to the point where she was to weak to fight back anymore.

All of a sudden a bunch of hands flew at me trying to pull me off her. When they pulled me off her my vision blurred and everything just seemed to rush at me. The tears, the vioces around me, the emotions. Everything was just to much so I just pushed past everyone till I could breathe fresh air. WhenI got outside I fell to my hands and knees gasping for air. 

I cried the hardest I've ever cried and let out the most dreadful scream. I cried out there for almost an hour. Eventually all my tears had dried up and I couldn't cry anymore so I just looked deadly into the drive way. I looked around and saw some tequila so I grabbed the whole bottle and went and sat on the front lawn drinking my tequila.

 I suddenly felt a hand rubbing my back and I turned and socked the person behind me before I could even process who it is. When I see James face pop up with a bloody nose the worst amount of guilt Ive ever felt washed over me. James sits next to me and takes a long sip of tequila. "Come stay with me and Amy."


Maybe it sucks I dont know. 


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