Chapter 7

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"Miu? M-miu?! MIU! WAKE UP MIU!!" Kaede screamed through sobs. "I need you... you can't die..."

Then suddenly Kaede woke up screaming. "MIU?" She shakes Miu awake. "Oh thank god you're alive..." Kaede hugged Miu while crying.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Miu hugged Kaede and stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.

"I-i had a dre- a nightmare... y-you died i-in your s-sleep..." Kaede said between sniffs.

Miu hugged her tighter. "Babe, I won't ever leave you. I'll fight my ass off for you, okay? I'm not going anywhere." Miu reassured Kaede until Kaede fell back asleep in Miu's arms. Miu laid her down softly on the blanket and covered her up. She added a log to the fire, then went to the beach. She wasn't tired anymore so she stayed at the beach for a while.

She sat down at the edge of the beach and looked at the stars. A couple minutes passed by. Miu started dozing off when she heard Kaede scream. She got up and started running to the cave. Once she got there, she grabbed a big and pointy stick and entered the cave. What she saw was surprising.

"S-shuichi?" Miu said as she saw Shuichi and Kaede, sitting up and talking. "When did you get here?"

"I was on the plane too. I landed on an island a close to this island."

"Oh. That's cool." Miu looked at them and saw how close Shuichi was getting to Kaede. She knew Shuichi had feelings for Kaede, so anger filled her. "Kaede we should go back to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Yeah you're right. Shuichi, do you want to live with us in this cave?" Miu's anger grew.

"A-are you sure? Where would I sleep...?" There wasn't much room around the cave and there definitely wasn't enough room for another bed.

"You can sleep with us!" Kaede said enthusiastically, not realizing Miu was on fire how pissed she was.

"O-oh are y-you sure?" Shuichi was excited to sleep with Kaede. But with Miu, not so much.

"Yeah! There's plenty of room for all three of us on this blanket."

"Okay. If that's fine with you guys."

Kaede laid down in the middle of the blanket. Shuichi laid next to her. He made sure to have their shoulders touching. Miu laid down, grabbed Kaede and put her on the other side of Miu. Miu wrapped her arms around Kaede and cuddled her until they were both asleep. Shuichi, on the other hand, was too pissed to sleep. He wanted to make a move on Kaede by cuddling her but Miu ruined it.

The next morning, Shuichi woke up first. He got up and stared at Kaede for a couple of minutes. She was so beautiful and precious. He wanted to make her his so bad, but she was already with Miu. Ew. Miu. He thought. He hates Miu with a passion. Only because she supposedly stole "his" girl. Little did he know, she has never even thought of him in that way.

Shuichi left the cave-house and searched the island for anything that would impress Kaede. He got on the broken plane to search for anything that could be helpful.

After searching for a while, he found a couple of usefull things. He found some sewing string, a lighter, and a small bag with weed in it. He threw out all of the weed and kept the bag. He knew Kaede hated drugs so he didn't want anything to do with that.

He searched around the plane crash to look for a bin or something suitable to carry water. After searching for a while, he found the sink that was on the plane. The bowl broke off of the plane and was still together, surprisingly. He grabbed it and washed it off in the water.

He filled the sink bowl with water and brought it to the cave. When he got there, the girls were still asleep. He left once more to look for a good and sturdy stick. Once he found one suitable, he made a makeshift fishing rod with the stick and sewing string. It wasn't the best, but it did the job.

He went to the beach and started fishing. He caught a couple of fish, enough to eat for that day. He put them in the weed bag he found and carried them back to the cave. He sat them outside. He then left once more to make a help sign on the beach with rocks.

While Shuichi was at the beach, Miu woke up. She saw Kaede was still sleeping and let her stay asleep for a little longer. She left the cave and saw the bag of fish. How the fuck did he manage to catch fish? She thought as she started walking towards the beach.

When she got there Shuichi had just finished. She saw the rocks and didn't understand it at first, but once she saw it spelled out help she understood. "We should search the island more thoroughly." Miu said while walking up to the boy.

"Yeah that's a good idea. I made a fishing rod by the way and caught some fish to eat today."

"Yeah I saw. How did you make the rod?"

"Found some sewing string and used that. Also I found a lighter so we can make fires way easier now."

"Wow good job you're just the best..." Miu mumbled under her breath.

"Uh, what was that? I didn't hear you."

"Oh, nothing!" Miu walked away and started venturing the forest.

Kaede said she searched the island, but she probably only searched the crash. I doubt she came all the way back here. She thought to herself while she walked deeper and deeper into the large forest.

While she was walking, she noticed something. There was a little patch of dirt in the middle of grass. As if it was dug up and put back. She walked up to it and started digging it up with her hands. After digging for a while, she found a plastic looking thing. She kept digging until it was loose. She took it out and read what it said on the front. "Time Capsule"

"Awesome. A mother fucking time capsule? I wonder how long it's been burried." She said while she tried to open it. Once she got it open, she found a couple of useful items. The items included a water purifier, a survival knife, and a cell phone. The phone only had like 7% but they might be able to get some service.

There was another item in the capsule, but it wouldn't help their survival. It was a small, glass piano. It was really pretty and looked like a good gift. I should give this to Kaede! Miu thought as she started walking back to the beach. Before she left, she shut the phone down to save battery. After all there was no charger and there was no place to charge it.

When she get to the beach, she saw Kaede and Shuichi talking. Shuichi was so close to her their arms we touching. Kaede didn't notice or care, but Miu thought she did and got jealous. She hid the piano and walked up to them. "Hey shit heads, guess what I found."

"What'd you get, babe." Kaede said, making Miu blush. You could tell that Shuichi didn't like that because his facial expression darkened in anger. He looked away at the water and ignored the two.

"A time capsule. With some usefull shit. Shit like a knife, a filter for water, and a fucking phone!" Miu boomed at the last part.

"Wait, a phone?" Miu caught Shuichi's attention with the phone.

"Hells yeah. It only has 7% but we can try to get some service and call some bitches on it." Miu said, pulling it out and turning it on. While it was turning on, she looked in the capsule once more. She noticed something taped to the side of it. A note? Or a map? She couldn't tell what it was until she took it off.

It was a note. It read, "Dear whoever finds this, this comes from previous plane crash victims. We are most likely dead now. We made this days before we assumed we would die. I hope the the people who find this, use it to survive and get out of this hell hole. This island is secluded and far from any civilization. But I believe that if you use this stuff, you can survive. Kill animals with the knife for food and use the purifier for water. And the phone can get service, you have to stand at a certain spot on the mountain. Haven't found the mountain? Just keep going back into the forest until you find it. We made stairs in the mountain so you should be able to get up it. Now with the piano, that was my mother's. She died on this island from a disease she caught. If any of your survivors start coughing up blood at any point of time, get away from them. The disease is very contagious. Now I'll end this long note here. I hope you guys survive. Bye."

Holy shit. There was another plane crash here? Wait. That patch of dirt looked like it just got burried yesterday. Maybe they're... still here?

Word Count: 1580
I like writing plane crash stories. Also the capsule and glass piano was my friend's idea.

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