What A...Disaster! Part1

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Did yall miss us?! I see you have and let me start by apologizing...all three of us do. No excuses, we've been slacking, but rest assured we are back and just to show yall...here's another one!

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Love yall!


"Mom! I'm done with my homework, can I go play across the street with my friends?" Mason walked down into the den and asked me. I glanced up from changing one twin while the other was in her play pen already sleeping.

"Yes you can, but take BJ with you." I told him and watched Mason roll his eyes and instantly my face grew hard just as realization hit him and he looked back at me.

"Sorry ma." He mumbled before retreating back up the steps. I could hear him call after BJ and soon footsteps were heard running down the steps and moments later the alarm sounding that the front door opened and soon after I heard it slam shut.

Once I was done changing Ava, I pulled out my left boo and started feeding her so I could put her down next to her sister Brielle.

While doing so I watched DJ laying on his stomach playing on his tablet; something about Roblox or whatever.

I leaned back and sighed while Ava suckled away on my nipple and thought about the least few months.

After the baby shower was over and we all got home. First thing the three of us did was sit Mason down in his room and had a long talk about what was going on with us. Rather try to tip-toe around, we decided that coming clean and putting everything out on the table was the best thing to do. His father and uncle both explained their love for me and our family...also...the boy already knew ninety percent of what the hell was going on sooo...

After that the three of us went to the den and talked about their mom knowing and who else may know. I put out first I knew for sure my father didn't know because he would have a damn stroke and his old ass would have tried to kill the twins... in which they both laughed off the idea...assholes.

Once that was done and the boys were indeed sleep, Donnie guided me into his room and made good on his promise, but he made love to me nice and slow for the rest of the night...I guess him getting what he wanted plus one changed his whole mood about straightening me out from earlier.

After that night things...things picked up. Donnie kept me active as much as my body would allow; with small exercises to keep my limbs loose and added two pound weights so I wouldn't lose muscle, he defiantly kept me in good shape...for a woman who was about to have twins.

A little over a month before I was due, I went to the hospital with Braxton Hicks contractions, but seeing as though the twins were already on the bigger side and it was starting to get to be too much with taking care of three boys and two men, I stayed in the hospital for two weeks before I had a cesarean section and welcomed our two girls, Ava and Brielle.

Seven months later here I am, Ava on one boob, Bri sleeping, DJ in his own world and the other two boys playing around until it's time to for dinner.

I was slowly nodding off myself until I heard the front door alarm sound that the door was opened and shut. I blinked a few times to get myself together and looked down to see Ava looking right at me with her little hands holding my boob.

"If you can hold me, you can hold a bottle." I whispered and in return got a smile and laughed a little.

About twenty minutes later I heard footsteps and looked up to see Donnie coming down into the den in just his burgundy drawstring pj's and sat next to me. I don't even think Ava saw him yet, but she defiantly knew his sent and popped my nipple put of her mouth and started kicking.

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