001: My Underwater Prince

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(A/N) Ugh I HATE when I post late! Like really, this was supposed to have been finished HOURS AGO DAMN IT!! >:/

Sorry...... please enjoy the story! ♡

(Words! 2k+)


"Okay, Aunt Mito, I'm heading out!" Gon shouted cheerfully as he headed for the door, a big bag with other equipment on hand. Aunt Mito chuckled and nodded, "Okay, make sure you stay safe out there, and return before it gets too late. The door will be unlocked for you," She said with a kind smile.

"No need, Mito-san! I'm going to camp out tonight, bye!" Gon waved to her before he headed out the door, seeing as the sun was starting to set. He had told Mito that he wanted to do some exploring and a little bit of hiking and fishing before nightfall, but, that wasn't the real reason as to why he wanted to leave.

He had to make his move tonight, it will be his only chance or he would miss another opportunity for another set of months. Setting out to a specific shoreline on the island with a determined smirk and glint in his eyes, he knows where his heart leads him.


The shoreline was only a good mile away, through dense forests and dim lighting of the setting sun. Gon looked up at the sky, seeing the upcoming stars make their appearance daily. That lets him know, it's almost time and he needs to set everything up before everything is ruined and revealed.

Taking off his bag, Gon searched through and found his beach towel to lay it across the sandy beach. Sitting down on it, Gon takes off his shoes and puts his bare feet in the cool sand, wiggling his toes and giggling.

Looking into his bag again, grabbing a green container, which contained his other half of his dinner, he started to eat while waiting for the moon to come up, enjoying the landscape all the while. The wind blowing softly and making Gon relax all the while he waited for something that's worth the wait.

Or rather, someone that's worth it.

Some time passed, and the night sky was now up, the clear sky and stars twinkling brightly and surrounding the moon, the ocean waters illuminating as a result. And Gon was left with his patience and nature, humming softly and tapping his fingers on the sand. Not long from now...

Suddenly, the waters seemed as if they were really glowing instead of from the reflection of the moon, the waves coming in much faster and more onto the shore, and Gon hopped up as he couldn't keep still.

Yes! He was finally here!


As soon as that name escapes Gon's mouth, the water surface broke and there he was, the most beautiful creature that's ever come out of the sea.

Killua fluttered his eyes open, his fin-ears wiggling and light blue scales shining with a tinge of purple and yellow. Some small scales were scattered across his face like freckles, and he had seashells decorating his mop of wet hair and a seashell necklace around his neck. It was as much as a surprise that the mer-boy likes fashion, and wants to wear as much jewelry that was available for him in the vast ocean.

Killua slowly swam up to the shore, once reaching the sand bed to lay out comfortably upon the cool platform, tail flicking up into the air with the translucent blue scales glimmering.

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