Surprise Breakfast

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Dominick went to check on Erika and noticed that she was still asleep, so he left her note saying that he was downstairs and would come get her shortly. Once that was done, the young king headed downstairs to the kitchens. "Good morning everyone. Now I need you to listen up and listen close. I want to surprise Lady Erika this morning." Dominick called out to the kitchen staff that had stopped what they were doing when their king came in. " What would you like us to prepare, my King" the head chef asked bowing. I want it to be special. Something with..." Dominick trailed off searching the kitchen for anything that might catch his eye. Suddenly Dominick spotted some light blue roses in a vase. " Chef can you make roses to go with your specialty breakfast?" The young king questioned as he walked over to the vase of light blue roses and picked a unique one out of the bouquet. "Of course my liege. Is their anything else you may want to add to your menu?" the chef asked. "No, except have a place ready for Lady Erika's cat Wolfie, if you please." Dominick said. "As you wish my king." The head chef said before bowing and addressing the rest of the kitchen staff.


Erika woke up to being in Dominick's bed chambers. With a panicked gasp the young maiden threw the covers off of her and placed her feet on the floor and pushed up off the bed, as soon as the young girl stood up she let out a pained gasp before falling back onto the bed. Erika looked up to see Dominick entering the bed chambers with something in his arms. The young king chuckled softly as he noticed Erika attempting to stand up in a blind panic a he walked towards her carrying Wolfie. "Sleep well Erika?" Dominick asked as he made his way over to her. "Yes, thank you....Wolfie!" Erika exclaimed when she noticed her cat in the young king's arms. Dominick chuckled softly as he handed over the doggish cat. "I found him curled up outside on the doorstep." the young king said as he watched the two greet each other. "Now then, shall we head to breakfast m'lady?" Dominick asked as he offered his hand. The young maiden took the young king's hand readily as she held onto her beloved Wolfie, the young king helped her up and they made their way to the dining room. Once they got to the first landing, Dominick felt Erika hesitate. the king turned back to look at the uncertain young maiden. "It will be alright Erika. If you want, I can carry you down them, I don't mind." Dominick assured her as he cupped her face. "I know, but I will be fine just let me set Wolfie down first." Erika said as she set her cat down who stood beside her and looked at her with a concerned look on his face. "mrrowwoof" Erika smiled at her doggish cat before letting out a sigh. "promise you won't let go?" Erika asked still a little hesitant. Dominick chuckled and wrapped an arm around the young maiden's waist and held her hand with the other. "I promise my lady." the young king promised. Soon the young maiden and king made it down the stairs without any troubles. "See, you did it!" Dominick praised as he cupped his exhausted maiden's face. The girl looked up at the two flights of stairs she and Dominick conquered together before facing the king with a tired smile. "Yes, I did, didn't I?" Erika said exhausted. Dominick chuckled softly before picking Erika up who let out a shocked gasp. "Dominick!" Erika exclaimed letting out a squeal of laughter. Dominick chuckled softly as he carried her the rest of the way to the dining room.

Once they got to the doors of the dining room, the king set her down and opened the doors for her. "After you." Dominick said as he gave her a slight bow. Erika giggled, before walking through the doors and let out a gasp as she took in the large amount of food on the table. "Oh, Dominick did you do this?" She asked. "I had some help, but yes." Dominik said as he smiled softly at the girl. "Shall we?" he asked as he pulled a chair out for her. Erika blushed and smiled before sitting down in the chair. The two of them chatted over breakfast before the young king, took Erika's hand. "Erika, I have some things to attend to in Genovia and was wondering if you will accompany me." Dominick asked. "Oh, Dominick that would be lovely, of course I will accompany you." the young maiden said happily. "But when do we leave?" She replied as an afterthought. "The king wants me to arrive this afternoon." Dominick said. "Oh. But I haven't packed." Erika replied. "Well then I guess we better get packing." The young king said with a laugh before standing up and helped Erika to her feet. The two of them headed back upstairs and began to pack. Soon the two were ready to go. "Before you ask; yes we can bring Wolfie." Dominick said causing Erika to laugh happily before she hugged him. "Thank you." She replied. A few minutes later, a servant came to the bedroom. "Yes, Rose?" Dominick asked. "The carriage is awaiting Your Majesties." Rose said. "Very well then, we shall be there shortly." Dominick said. The servant nodded and bowed before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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