The Night She Makes Her Choice

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Warning: The lyrics here are from the music "Twisted Love" by ATB ft. Cristina Soto


She blames entirely on Sitri's magic for the past situation. He's giving the advices and her following, her curiosity gaining on her reasoning.

Samantha still wondered where she'd the gall to act so boldly on Sinbad. Better yet, she wondered why she'd follow Sitri's instructions without stumbling or get herself deeply embarrassed on the site. She isn't a mistress of seduction, for god sakes. She can't even make her cat obey her calls.

And yet, she'd done it. Whispered worlds on his ear like a lover would do, enjoyed his calloused hands touching the bare and cold skin of her waist, felt that strong shoulder blades under her fingers, the strong smell of his skin and hair...

She reeeeally need to stop it, otherwise she'll start to think inappropriate thoughts of him. But is getting harder and harder to ignore it. The urge to have is warm body pressing her against the bed (like the one time that happened this past morning), these intricate patterns of hard muscles covered by a smooth, tanned skin. That plump pair of lips together with that sly tongue moving on her neck.

Pleasant shivers runs on her spine, feeling her face getting warm. The heck, she wants the man, she wants to possess him and he possesses her. She wants him deeply.

Yeah. You also want him deeply rooted inside you, am I right?

'Sitri, stop it.'

Why? Am I not telling the truth? You not just want him to kisses and hugs, you want to have sex with him.

'Stop to say such things.'

Like what? Like how you want to see that muscles working at every time his hips goes up and down? Like how you want to hear him groaning and saying obscene things on your ears? Like how you want to feel that calloused hands pulling you hard against his hips while he pushes his pelvis deeply against yours?

'Oh my God...' – Natasha felt heat pooling on her belly while imagining it. She stopped and leaned against a wall, her eyes closed, teeth biting on her lower lip. – 'Just please, stop to say such things.'

You lust for him yet you deny yourself fervently of that. He's here, in flesh and bones, obviously showing interest towards you and...

'What? He has no interest in me, that's I know very well.' – She can't let this goes forward, her time is short and she needs to enjoy as much as she can at seeing him as a real person before her little dream comes to an end.

You felt how he'd hold you down this morning. How he let you touch him in the way you wanted.

'However sex is another thing, Sitri. I can givemy purity to the first pretty man that happens to cross my sight, even if this man is the one I desire to possess for myself.'

I remember that you the same thing to every man you try to have a relationship with, so then when they talk their feelings, you'll find some excuse and shy away.

'They don't suit my tastes. I always find something that put myself in a step back and then this worries me. I can't trust for people like these.' – She heard her djinn sighs. – 'Look, the fact is I'll try not do something that will bring me more pain later when my little adventure here ends. Is already painful knowing that I have so little time with him and if I move this to another levels, my affection to him will grew and the pain will be worse than ever. I don't want this.'

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