★ | 179. mind reader, twilight

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 179: Mind Reader, Twilight
Word Count: 1071

[name] looked up as he heard the front door open, seeing his sister Bella and Edward walk through the door

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[name] looked up as he heard the front door open, seeing his sister Bella and Edward walk through the door. Almost instantly, he blushed and avoided their gazes, shutting the book he was reading and standing. "I'll give you to some privacy."

"Wait, you don't have to go anywhere." Bella said but he was always running up the stairs, the sound of his bedroom door shutting being heard. She slumped her shoulders and gave Edward and apologetic look. "I'm sorry. I don't know why he doesn't like you."

Edward hid his smile and held back a laugh. It wasn't that [name] didn't like him. It was the opposite. Ever since he had found out Edward was a vampire and could read minds he had been acting different and that was because now he knew that Edward had heard all his thoughts. Especially the one's where he thought about how attractive Edward was and how much he liked him.

[name] was embarrassed and had been doing his best to avoid the vampire. Edward thought it was cute.

Up in his room, [name] had his face buried in his pillow, wishing he could just sink into his bed and never come back out. The fact that Edward had even heard his R-rated thoughts just made everything so much worse. He would understand if Edward was completely disgusted by him.

There was a soft knock on his door and he assumed it was Bella. "I don't want to talk right now, Bell's!" He called. He heard the door open and he huffed, "I said I didn't want to - " He cut himself off when he saw the Greek god himself, walking into his room and closing the door behind him. "Oh, no." He blurted out.

Edward chuckled, "I don't usually get that kind of reaction." He tilted his head and walked closer, stopping at the edge of the bed. "I was hoping we could talk. I'd really like if you would stop avoiding me."

The Swan boy pulled his legs up to his chest and frowned. He didn't want to be made fun of or for Edward to tell him he was disgusting for liking his sisters boyfriend.

Edward sat down on the bed and smiled gently. "I'm not Bella's boyfriend. We are just friends." He said and [name] brought his hands up to his head. It was easy to forget sometimes that Edward could read his thoughts and he really had no privacy. The vampire scooted closer to him. "Hey, don't freak out. I can read your thoughts when I want to but if it makes you uncomfortable, I promise I won't do it again. You have privacy."

[name] looked at him uncertainly. "But how would I know you're telling the truth?"

"Because I am a man of my word and if I say that I won't, I won't. Having privacy is not something you should have to worry about. I have to say, I am going to miss hearing you gush about me." Edward teased him.

[name] groaned and fell back onto the bed. "You're not making me feel any better by reminding me of that." He stared up at the ceiling. Edward moved up the bed and laid down next to him, making him freeze as the closeness that was between them now. "What are you doing?"

"I enjoyed hearing your thoughts because it made me happy that you had feelings for me. If you had the ability to read my thoughts, you would know that they nearly replicate yours." He bit his lips. "I'm just not as dirty as you are."

The last comment would usually make [name]'s face flare up but now, he was focusing on the first sentence. He turned his head to the side, seeing Edward was already lying on his side, facing him. "But I thought - I thought you were in love with Bella?"

They were always together and he could see the way she looked at him. She was no doubt in love with him.

"I don't feel that way about her." Edward denied and it was the honest truth. She was his blood singer but that was it. She wasn't his mate. Her brother was. "I feel that way about you."

"Why didn't you ask me out then? You knew how I felt about you. You knew I would say yes." He responded, desperately wanting an answer.

"Because I'm a vampire." Edward said simply. "And you're a human. Being with me is dangerous and I could never put you through this. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you and I'll do everything I can to protect you."

"You can't do that." [name] sat up quickly and looked at him with wide eyes. "You can't tell me you feel the same way and then say we can't be together. That isn't fair." He whined. "You're already in my life. Being together won't make a difference."

"It will if someone goes after you to get to me." Edward sat up at well and faced him. "I can protect you from a distance. That way no one will know how much you mean to me and I can still make sure you're okay."

"If that's what you wanted then you never should have told me how you felt in the first place because now I'm not going to stop trying to be with you." He touched Edward's cold cheek. Edward looked down at the bed and [name] moved closer to him, resting his forehead on his and ignoring the chill that went through his body. "Just give us a chance."

Edward was about to answer when Bella knocked on the door, not waiting for a reply before she opened the door. [name] jumped back from Edward just in time for her to answer and not witness they're close embrace. "You've been in here for a while. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay."

Edward smiled and left the bed. "Yeah. Everything is fine."

"We weren't done talking." [name] looked at him with pleading eyes.

The vampire smiled and said, "I'll take you out to dinner tonight. We can continue talking then."

Would that be considered a date? [name] nodded his head, now happy to let Edward leave since now he knew he would get to talk to him again.

★ ★ ★

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