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It was the time of night. Darkness engulfed the world despite the presence of millions of twinkling diamonds in the empty sky. it seemed like the stars were trying to gain attention of those who lived beyond them. Indeed the night sky was beyond imagination. 

In the mean time a single soul sat painfully in the dark room. the darkness was beyond comparison to what the nature had given outside. With a click, the bulb flickered before it could illuminate the small room. A girl huffed when the light finally flicked on as she walked slowly, painfully towards an old, small mattress. 

A whine of pain left her mouth as she sat down. Her skin was pale with black, blues and red marks decorating her already fragile body. She reached out to a small photo frame and held it as her eyes reflected pain, sorrow and remorse. 

Lone tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she tried to feel the people in the small frame. She let her emotions out at that moment before her thoughts gave her the company she required. 

Avy's POV

The pain is unbearable, what have I ever did to earn punches and kicks form them. It's been four freaking years since I became an orphan. Since than I'm staying at the pack house as a servant.

I am supposed to do all the chores of the pack. I only get to eat the leftovers and I am supposed to prepare the breakfast before pack members rise.

Why am I treated like this? Hmm it's because they believe that my parents betrayed the pack and has sided with the rouges. In fact they died fighting for the pack and I suffer because my parents are loyal to the pack. My dad was the third in command he taught others to never betray how can he do such a horrible thing himself.

"I miss you so much mom and dad" I whispered as tears filled my eyes. I cried again as I hugged the small photo frame. It was the only thing that kept my sanity and assured me that I had a part of my parents memory with me. Thinking about the times I spent with them I  allowed myself to  fall asleep as every other night.
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There goes my alarm. It's 4.00am and I have to start breakfast. I get up from my small ,hard and cold bed and rush into the bathroom to take a shower for which I'm grateful of since I am staying in the basement. As I'm done with my business I walk out to my small closet to grab my old black jeans and my old green shirt since I only have three pairs of clothes. After getting dressed I quickly go in the kitchen.

I took out some eggs and started frying them sunny side up, later I took the bread and toasted them in the toaster and started making bacon when I checked the time it was already 5.45am and I had to set the table before they arrive so I places the eggs, toast and bacon with fruits, orange juice, plates, glasses and other utensils and rushed inside the kitchen when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They don't expect me to be present while they eat so I go in the kitchen and do some clean up.

Soon the dining table fill up and I heard familiar voices "where is that mutt" the future alpha said "I asked where is that bitch" anger in his tone.

I have no option but to go in front of him as every fucking morning because he has some issues with the food.

"When you are called you should appear instantly" he said with a girl on his lap. He was perfectly build with a dark hairs and hazel eyes he was the most handsome guy I have ever seen.

"Why are you quiet bitch address your Alpha" said the slut on his lap
"Yes alpha" I said "What can I do"
"How about you improve your cooking so I don't have to eat such crap first thing in the morning" with that I was approached by the usual punch in my gut "You hear that mutt your cooking sucks try improving it so we don't have to eat such crap" Edward said he is one of Zander's (future alpha) friend/member of the bully gang. I wanted to scream at them that if my cooking sucks then how about they cook for themselves but last time when I said that I earned two days in the dungeon.

"Now are you going to stand there or go in the kitchen and make me some coffee" the slut said "and remember use skim milk with one teaspoon sugar" her erchy voice irritated my eardrums. "baby you are so skinny you don't have to diet" was the last thing I heard before getting in the kitchen and making her 'fat-ass reducing diet coffee'

When everyone had finished their breakfast I went to collect the dishes only to be greeted by a sharp kick in my stomach I fell down from the pain and heard laughter from the bully gang "oh little bitch can't handle a punch and is about to cry like a baby" Edward teased as I tried to get up only to be kicked back hitting my back on the corners as pain erupted through my body making me whimper in pain "little baby gonna cry" Toby the dick said. I am not going to cry I can't let them see my tears. "Get the fuck up bitch that kick wasn't so painful stop putting up a show" said the Macy. Bitch she doesn't even know what kicked in the gut even feels like.

I was known for my outspoken and bold attitude, way before when my parents were alive. As the daughter of third in command I was raised to be fearless, courageous and be a leader. But it all changed with my parents death. The attitude of the pack members changed except for some of them who would help and protect me secretly.

At this moment any sane person would think of escaping and I did. Twice. Alas my fate did not help me. 

Alpha Mark had even strengthened the security around me which in return earned me more attention that later increased more abusive side of the pack members.

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