{request} Sam x reader (part 2)

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Hi ghosties!
Sorry I've had a MAJOR case of writers block.
I'm going to start doing oneshots for the angels ( Balthazar, Gabriel, Micheal, and lucifer)
I might start doing Adam also.
Anyway enjoy!

Warnings: swearing, mentions of mugging, mentions of sexual content

Recap: "Just my luck that I almost get killed my first day in town." Andrea said as we got into the Impala.

Andreas Pov-

"So where do you live Andrea?" Dean said. "(Your address)"

"Oh yeah that used to be the Morton's place." I looked at Dean blankly. I had just got fricking mugged. Why Andrea I do remember that that happened last time I moved. I looked at Skyscraper. "So um thanks for saving me." I said. "No problem." Oh dear god his voice! I hadn't realized it was that deep.

When we got back to my house I thanked them and walked up to the door. "You sure you'll be okay?" Sam yelled from the Impala. "I'll be fine!" I yelled back. I unlocked the door and stepped in closing it and leaning against it. I reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "Now I have to go to bed."

-Four days later-

"DOONE!" I shouted for joy. I was practically jumping up and down. I had finally finished unpacking. Finally. Now how to celebrate? I decided that I would of course go to the bar. I then proceeded to walk to the bar which was only like a mile away and was really quite boring. When I arrived I pushed the door open and took a seat in a booth. I waved the bartender over.

"Yes, what would you like?"

"I'll just have a beer."

"Coming right up!"

I sighed. What if Sam and Dean come? I decided that I would NOT think about them. 'Cause last time I saw them they ended up saving my life and I kinda have a crush on Sam and I don't know about you but that sounds like the start of some bad porn.

After finishing off the beer I heard the door open. Ahh shit. Its fucking them. And then Skyscraper looks over. A look of surprize washed over his face. He nudged Dean and Deans head whipped around and his eyes settled on me. I made a small ackward wave hi.

They walked over and scooted in on the other side of the booth.

"Hey boys!"

"Uhh hi Andrea, I have to ask are you stalking us." Skyscraper said with a glint in his eye. "I'll get some more beers." Dean said getting up

"Nahh why would I stalk you. Like not because your insanely hot or anything like that. I just got done unpacking." My eyes flew open and my hands went straight to my mouth when I had just realized what I had said. Shity mcshit shit dear god did I just?

"So you think I'm hot" Sam said raising his eyebrows. I nodded my head, my hands still covering my mouth.

Dean walked back carrying three beers. Sam looked up at Dean with a look that was just like guess-what-just-happened-and-im-probly-going-to-get-slapped. My eyes widend in terror realizing what he was about to do. "Hey Dean guess whay Andrea just sai-" I lunged across the table and Sam raised his hands to protect himself as I landed a sea of playful punches. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!"

I think Dean died of laughing. He nearly dropped the beer at the sight of a (your hight) girl throwing punches at a 6'5 buff giant....


I kicked off my shoes and hung up my coat. It was now 9:00. I had hung out and talked with the boys for an hour whan I decided to call it quits for the night bidding farwell to the boys I had walked home.

I sighed. I wasn't tired yet surprisingly. So I bunkersd down on the couch to watch some Dr. Who or Sherlock.

There was a knock on the door. Who the hell is it? I dragged myself off of the couch and away from the T.V.

I open the door. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!

"Skyscraper what the hell happened."

Sam was leaning against the side of the house barley conscious.  He was breathing  hard and had a bloodly nose, a good old black eye starting to bloom, multiple cuts. He looked like he had been dragged through hell and back.

"Can I come in?" He asked before collapsing onto your porch.

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