Epilogue: Welcome Home

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It's a lovely day in Neighborville. The town is back in suburban California, where it belongs. The plant and zombie war is still going on. Everything is back to normal.

Dave sits in his chair, reading the daily newspaper. It's all zombie propaganda, but whatever. News is news.

"Hey Uncle Dave!" Patrice shouts from the roof. When did she go up to the roof? "Uncle Zomboss is here!"

"What?" He shouts back.

"He's got a giant robot!"

Sure enough, there's a loud thunk from up on the roof. Dave rolls his eyes, and stands from his seat.

As he climbs the ladder up to his roof, he spots the zombie in question - he's got a brand new Zombot, and a smug expression on his face.

"Crazy David!" Says Dr. Zomboss, between evil cackles. "Prepare to meet your maker!"


"What - no, it's just an expression. I think it means like... you'll meet God, or something?" Zomboss scratches his chin. "Whatever! Your doom is at hand, David!"

"Nah, I don't think my doom is scheduled for at least another week." He winks. "Looks like I'll have to cancel this little meeting."

Dave whistles into his hand, calling for a bunch of cabbage, corn and melon pults to spring into their pots. The Zombot rears, and prepares to make the first attack.

Patrice sits down on a lawn chair that's positioned on the roof (for some reason) to watch the ensuing fight. There's a determined, battle-ready energy emanating from both sides.

Yep. Just a regular day in Neighborville.


Mr. Gems passes by the princess' personal chambers, seeing her sleeping form from the doorway. He sighs.

She's safe.

He's safe.

Everyone is safe.

For now, at least.

As he approaches his own chambers, he's stopped in the hall by a sight for sore eyes. Akoya waves, his flowing cape twirling behind him.

"Evening, darling." Says the pearl golem. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Never better." Gems would smile if he could. "Turning in for the night?"

"I was actually hoping to talk to you." Akoya takes Gems' hand. "I'm planning my next performance. I was thinking - how does 'The Phantom of the Opera' sound?"

Gems chuckles. "Let me guess." He says. "You'll be playing the Phantom?"

"Why, undoubtedly!" Akoya twirls. "It's the perfect role for me."

"You'll get to wear a mask, and a cape." Gems laughs. "But that's something you do daily."

Akoya snorts. "Caught red-handed!"

The two of them laugh for a bit. Gems feels... at peace.

"You know, you may be the perfect golem to play the Phantom," He says, holding tighter to Akoya's hand. "But there's one thing the two of you don't have in common."

"Oh? What's that?"

Gems presses their heads together. "Unlike the Phantom and Christine," He whispers. "Our love story won't end tragically."


Super Brainz hums a catchy tune as he flies through the clouds above Neighborville, looking for any innocent zombies that need saving.

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