Day 1

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I opened my eyes and found myself surrounded by unfamiliar scenery. All around me were huge conifers with fairly thin trunks and high leaves. I appeared to be in a thick evergreen forest of some kind. I couldn't see anything except for the trees and dry root tangled earth. There was a cool breeze blowing around my bare skin which made me shiver quite vigorously it was probably around 5℃(40℉). I didn't have a clue where I was.

And why wasn't I wearing any clothes I thought to myself after remembering the breeze against my skin. I looked down and saw that not only was I not wearing any clothes but I wasn't even in my own body. Below me was chalk-white skin. A pair of small breasts, some black hair swung onto my front and some onto my back. I had nothing between my legs. That startled me the most I even yelped in surprise and worry. But the yelp sounded unfamiliar. It was a cute feminine voice, certainly not mine.

After inspecting my body more thoroughly I determined that it was my character from Platinum Void. I didn't know how it had happened but it had. I thought it might have been a dream but you don't experience cold in dreams. And too little was going on as well. And when exactly did I go to sleep??

I assumed my face also looked like that of my character despite not being able to see it but the shape seemed about right and I could feel the larger pointed ears and canines also. showing that I was in fact a vampire. I suppose I was lucky that it was nighttime.

After a short while, I decided I wasn't going to sulk any further and instead try to get myself some clothing and shelter. I wandered fairly aimlessly through the forest. Everywhere looked almost identical other than rocks and slopes differing slightly. I walked on and on through the forest.

Eventually, I heard something. I heard voices. They were chatting just about too quietly for me to understand them. I walked in their direction to try and see if I could get clothes or something. I decided to cover myself with ferns as they were the plants with the largest leaves around. I wrapped them around my hips over my lack of male sex organs and also over my breasts. They went silent. I was no longer sure of their direction so I continued the same way. Eventually, I spotted one of them. It was a dirty-looking man with thin light brown hair and small tired-looking green eyes. He was with another man. Slightly shorter with a similar hair and eye colour but his eyes were larger and he looked younger and more innocent.

They were peering around moving their heads around rapidly crouched down and perfectly silent. They must have been worried about something attacking or maybe they were about to hunt something. They looked like hunters as they had knives and bows as well as the rope and trap-making materials they had.

Then suddenly something caught my eye. I must have been about 200m away but I couldn't help but stare at the hand of the taller older man. There was blood on it. I was mesmerised and couldn't peel my eyes from it. It was clearly the blood of a fox. I could tell by the way it was drying and by its colour and I could almost smell it but not enough to smell the difference between animals. I didn't know how the associations came together but they just did. It was salivating.

Strangely I was disappointed that it was fox blood and not human blood and I had a stabbing urge to kill one of them but that frightened me. I didn't want to lose my humanity. The night wasn't even over and I was already almost murdering people. I withdrew myself and continued towards them to see if they had any clothes or anything. I crept closer silently to see if they had anything I could nick, but they seemed to be going very light. All they had was a couple of fox corpses and a black bear cub corpse also. The corpses were strewn between 2 long poles which were being held between 2 horses. The corpses were slightly away from the hunters on what looked like a narrow rough path through the forest. But the horses didn't seem to have anything else with them.

I decided I would try and approach them to ask because there was little more I could do. It would be daybreak soon and I didn't have a clue what would happen then. I walked towards them no longer trying to be silent they span around and shot an arrow towards my face. The arrow traveled at extreme speed towards me so I blasted my arm upwards and grabbed the shaft of the arrow all in a fraction of a second. I really did have extreme speed. For my character, I had invested 7/10 of my points into speed. Because speed was supposed to be broken if you know how to use it. The controls were designed to be extremely complex and you needed very good reactions. As a hardcore pro gamer, I thought I was more than capable. The other 3 points I used on MP. There was no stat to increase damage so it was the best choice. I was holding the arrow in my hand having stopped it from hitting my face. "Fuck!" I heard one of the men shout." I think I just shot a person"
"You did what!?" yelled the other.
"Well maybe you missed"
"I never miss a shot, they were only a hundred metres away. "
"I know but hopefully you just did"
I threw the arrow into the ground with all my strength to make it look like it had actually missed rather than that I had caught it. It dug deep into the ground. It seemed realistic to me but I was no expert on archery.

I wasn't sure what kind of position I was meant to be in if I had just been narrowly missed by an arrow. I assumed most people would run away but I needed shelter desperately. I decided to make it look as if I had tripped up and was dizzy because of it when I had run away. I arranged my foot inside a small hole near a tree root probably I put dirt over my face and lay down. I started faking strange noises as if I was dizzy and confused. I found it extremely awkward but I was doing it to survive so I didn't really care.

Then they appeared and spotted me. "Well looks like the gods are on our side. You missed."
"Looks that way doesn't it. But who's this"
"Probably the girl you shot. Looks like she got scared and tried to run but tripped or something. Although it looks fake."
"Yeah nobody would fake that would they, not unless their life depended on it."
"Yeah, maybe my eyes aren't as keen as they used to be."
"We should take her with us"
"What why!?"
"The forest is a very dangerous place we hardly manage to get this deep alive after years of practice and so on. She'd never get out alive.
"Hmph, whatever."
"But how did she get here?"
"Ask her when she's back to her senses"
We were then sat upon the horses with the corpses and headed down the path. Probably around an hour passed before the sun started to come up. At first, it wasn't too bad with the weak sun but after the sun actually peaked above the horizon rather than light wrapping around the earth. My skin started to sting and this happened as the light became stronger so did the searing sensation on my skin. It felt as if I was burning. After roughly another hour the sun was completely above the horizon and I felt as if I was dying. The pain was worse than anything I had experienced. Enough so that I writhed in pain no matter how much effort I put in not to. The men noticed this and asked me what was wrong but I couldn't answer the pain was too intense. We eventually arrived in the village just as the sun was getting unbearable and my skin was starting to blister. It had only been around 2 hours since the sun had come up and my skin was vermillion with white pus leaking out in large boils.

They left me inside some kind of hospital wing to recover. My skin started to heal quite quickly which was worrying as I feared that people would notice something was up. The blisters were already gone in a minute and were completely fine again after 3 minutes. That seemed weirdly game-like. As healing at that speed is completely unrealistic and I remembered reading something like that in the Platinum void data leak. It was something like 1 minute to heal 50% of your health and 3.minutes to heal status effects.

I eventually fell asleep from exhaustion. It was odd for me to be so tired during the day but I didn't question it and fell deep into slumber.

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