get down you dirty rascal 😳😳

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(a/n: dont kill me i know anna of cleves is a Real Person this is just her six reincarnation because im gey,,,,)

you walked up to a house that was painted yellow, green, white, red, pink, and blue. it looked like a clown house. it's okay tho it's not a whore house it's a whore home.

you knocked on the door coz you needed a place to stay and wouldn't complain if the clowns living in this house murdered you tbh.

the door opened to a Really Hot Girl wearing all red. "what do you want?"

oh my g- she looks exactly like her profile picture! you've seen this girl before.

"anna?! you look exactly like your profile picture!"

"i- what?!"

you heard some laughing from behind anna, and she stepped aside to reveal a giggling girl in green, her skirt was wooshing around as she giggled. she's hot too, not gonna lie right now homie. you're a hoe but at least you admit it.

"she doesn't hear that often," the girl in green said.

"fuck off, anne," anna said.

those names are quite similar... wonder if there's 8 other annes in this clown home.

"do you need a place to stay or sumn?" anna asked.

"yes," you said.

"okay. warning: six people live here, three of them are named catherine."

three catherines?! how would you tell them apart?!

"hold on. catherine!"

three girls rushed down the stairs, one dressed in yellow/gold, one dressed in pink, and one dressed in blue.

"to tell them apart," anna walked over to the yellow catherine, "we just call her catherine," pink catherine, "her name is spelled with a k, we call her kat," and blue catherine, "cathy."

"okay," you said. you could follow that.

"and then that's anne, who you've met. and there's also jane, who's out running errands right now."


"she doesn't have a phone. yet. you can't ever call her."


"you can call me!" anne said, blowing a kiss.


"fuck the fuck off, anne," anna said.

"okay," anne said.

anna of cleves x readerWhere stories live. Discover now