Chapter 6

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Up top we have Blake Kelly. From the previous chapters I'm sure y'all know he goes by Kelly. Unless he's in trouble, lol.

Phoenix's POV

It's officially my first day of American highschool and I am terrified. Sophia and Damian somehow had me out in all the same classes as Griffin and I can't tell if that's comforting or scares me more. Honestly, all I want is to fade into the background and not stand out. If no one knows I'm there, then that can't be horrible to me, right? At least, that's what ive learned form all the American highschool movies.
Alright, commence mission be invisible. I braid my hair and Pin it up under the shortest layers so it looks like I have short hair, pick out my slightly too big grey hoodie and shove my fake glasses onto my face. There. I look totally unremarkable.
Sophia tells from the kitchen that breakfast is ready and I creep down the stairs like a deer creeping through the jungle. Expecting danger at every turn.
I get to the breakfast table to see an array of American breakfast foods, including the legendary pancakes, and sit down. Damian is drinking coffee with a news paper in his hands and Sophia is doing something by the sink. They are both in business dress since they are professors and they look like something strait out of an "American Dream" magazine. I sit down, noticing that Griffin is still upstairs, and fill my plate with eggs and toast and strange white goo that call grits. I avoid the pancakes because who in earth could eat something that sweet for breakfast? Isn't it a dessert?
Griffin doesn't make it downstairs until I am done eating and it's time to go. Sophia sighs and hands him a couple slices of toast in a napkin along with his lunch box as he frantically darts into the kitchen. Then she turns to me and hands me a matching lunch box.
  "I didn't know what you like, so I just made you the same thing as Griffin. I hope that's OK?" she awkwardly smiles at me and I awkwardly smile back, then we all pile into the Mercedes.
I swear that the school is even more imposing this time than it was last time I was here. I feel like if I go in there I am definitely going to die.
Sophia and Damian drop us off at the entrance of the high school section and drive off with promises to pick us up with school is over.
I'm shaking as I follow Griffin into the building and he leads me to the front office. He doesn't look too entirely pleased to be sharing a schedule with me, so I keep my mouth shit and don't talk to him and he shoves the paper into my hands and stomps off. Silently, I follow him to his locker and look for mine. It's a little aways from his because his is surrounded by his friends, and I have to sit on the florr to open it, but all is good.
I nervously wait to follow him to out first class, biology, but he continues to talk to his friends until the warning bell rings and we are almost late. One of his friends, Alex I think, is in this class too, and they sit together and I end up behind the friend.
The seats start filling up as the teacher gets ready for class, and a cute girl with short curly hair sits next to me and shoots me a brilliant smile. A really pretty girl with dark hair and shorts that no fourteen year old should ever be wearing on sits next to Griffin and starts twiliring her hair while a blonde girl in a sundress sits next to Alex and tries to copy her.
Everyone keeps talking until the teacher tells everyone to stand up for the pledge of allegiance. The what? Everyone stands up and starts singing at a picture of the American flag as I try to copy them and not stare at them like they are all crazy. What kind of cult is this?
Finally, class begins and it's actually really interesting, although sometimes the teacher goes too fast for me to write everything down.
The day goes by and I see a lot of the same faces. For how big thus school is, I supprise that this many of the same people are in my classes. The girl who sat next to me in biology is Jess, and she is actually really nice. I think we might even become friends.
There is also this super cute boy that is friends with my brother that is fluent in Spanish. His name is Dakota and apparently he was also raised in a Spanish speaking country. I don't know where because I am way too terrified to talk to him.
Eventually a period called study hall comes around and it's literally two hours to do nothing, but lunch is during this time. So, lunch is broken into four thirty minute periods and depending on what teacher you have study hall with, will determine which lunch you have. My study hall class has second lunch, which I'm greatful for because if we had last lunch I'd be starving.
I sit with Jess at lunch while she complains about how none of her other for ends have second lunch and Griffin sits at what can only be described as the popular table with all the football players and cheerleaders. Apparently they two pretty firls that were flirting with Grffin and Alex are cheerleaders and Jess says that all the clearkeders end up dating football players.
My lunch consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but the jelly was brown and kind of creamy and delicious, even though I had no idea what it was, a juice pouch called "Capri sun" that was also delicious, some tiny cookies in a bag, a bag of chips and a sealed cup of fruit. All in all it was really good.
The next period I have is music, where I pick out a violin to start trying to play. As it turns out, I am not in fact, a musical genius.
The rest of the day passes on and most of the classes are boring. All we do is talk about this thing called a syllabus that talks about what we are going to do for the rest of the year. I don't really get it, but I pretend like I do.
Then finay we go home.


Ugh. Yeah. Meet some new characters and pretend that this chapter wasn't absolutely horrible.
And sorry for the wait... A little insight to my life, my college just charged me with a $3000 bill and won't let me register for classes unt I pay it off, so I can't register this semester and I lost my job for apparently being 3 hours late one day, two month and 10 days before they actually fired me. Spoilers, I was never three hours late. So the last month or so has been really stressful. I can't get another job yet because I will need a 10 day vacation this month, and I'm moving next month, so that's two and a half months I have to get by without a job. Sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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