The Delta

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Clem, Marlon and AJ made their way inside the boat without being spotted once inside They close the door and hide behind some hay.

Clem: Minnie said they keep prisoners on the second deck. Look out for guards, and stay quiet, okay?

Marlon: Okay.

Clem walks through the hallway, but hides when a raider runs past. Clementine opens a door at the end of the hallway, and the group enters the room. Clementine moves forward, but hides when a raider enters.

Michael: Hey, who's there?

Clem said nothing. She draw her knife then knock the man unconscious. The group enters the next room. Clem hides as a raider nearby fires at the walkers, then runs off. Clementine moves forward and hides behind the doorway, seeing a raider in the boiler room. they enters the room, takes cover, Then Clem draws her bow. shoots Armando in the knee, then hits him with the bow, knocking him out. Clem nods at the other others, and they enter the room. The group approaches the boiler. Clem opens it, takes the bomb from Marlon, and puts it inside.

Clem: There you go, Mitch's Masterpiece.

Marlon: Mitch is going to love this.

Clem: Once they start up this boat, we won't have much time before it explodes.

AJ: How long?

Clem: Not sure. An hour? Thirty minutes?

Marlon: Let get going then.

The group climbs the stairs. They see Minerva talking to one of the raiders.

Dorian: Minerva, focus.

Minnie: Yes, ma'am. I...I have a little brother. Short, scarred face. Is he...he's not out there, is he?

Dorian: Look, we've discussed this. Your family is Delta now. There ain't no room for anyone else.

Minnie: Yes, ma'am.

Dorian leaves.

Marlon: Damnit. What should we do?

Clementine draws her bow and points it at Minerva, who aims her crossbow at Clem. Marlon and AJ draw out there weapons as well.

Minnie: Get. Out.

Clem: Not without our people.

Minnie: I swear to god, if you got Tenn caught up in this... Just...just tell me that he's safe. Give me that.

Clem: He told me to tell you he forgives you.

Minnie: Shit. I'll help you get everyone out. Then you take my brother, and run. Get him back to where it's safe.

Clem: Come on, we have to hurry.

Marlon didn't like the feeling of this. Not one bit. The group approaches the cells. They see Omar and Aasim in one, alive.

Omar: Clementine?

Aasim: Holy fuck.

Clem: Oh, my god. Are you okay?

AJ: He doesn't look hurt.

Omar: I...yeah. I'm alright. We're alright. Get Mitch first. He'll be glad you guys are here.

Minnie: I'll unlock the other cell. (unlocks cell) We don't have a lot of time before Dorian comes back.

Clementine enters the cell. To see Mitch in the corner sit like a ball, not looking at Clem. Once she got close to him. Minnie hits Clem in the back of the head with her crossbow, incapacitating her. then points the crossbow at AJ

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