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jeno struggled the entire time before jaemin
arrived to put up the beautiful fairy lights for their date.

he wanted everything to be prefect for it so that the could prove himself to the beautiful boy. he assumed from the way they had been messaging and interacting in class that jaemin liked him already, but he still felt nervous, this constant desire to prove himself to the younger growing as time passed.

he had never felt this way towards anyone before. he honestly never even imagined that his crush on this boy from his chemistry class would ever go anywhere, and if it weren't for hyuck , it probably wouldn't have.

when he was finally satisfied with the positions and adjustments of the lights, he stepped back and smiled proudly at himself.

jeno was honestly proud of himself for what he had created. the tent of blankets he had managed to hang above his bed was decorates underneath by the soft sparkling lights. his bed and entire room for that matter was spotless for once, the only things filling it being the pillows and blankets making up his fort along with a couple small plushies he had littered around, hoping that jaemin would find them cute.

he had his laptop set up so they could watch netflix all night, already thinking about what possible anime he could watch with jaemin. he hadn't yet ordered the pizza since he wanted to know what jaemin liked before he ordered.

he was fluffing his pillows for the 9000th time when he heard the doorbell ring. his parents weren't home tonight and knew he had a friend coming so, the house was all theirs. he rushed down the stairs excitedly, running his hand through his hair and adjusting his hoodie a bit before he opened the door.

saying that jaemin looked stunning was an understatement. he looked breathtaking. his soft, light brown hair was fluffy and styled cutely but casually, not too stiff with gel but just enough hair spray to make it stay put.

his outfit was casual but also stunning. despite the fact that he was just wearing a simple white shirt with a soft pink sweater over it he still looked amazing. his dark skinny jeans clung to his legs, outlining his thighs and calves nicely.
and as if this wasnt enough, it was all accompanied by jaemin bright smile as he stood waiting. jeno had never known that one person could hold the entire galaxy in their eyes..

"jeno!" jaemin exclaimed happily, smiling as he threw his arms around jeno's body. jeno felt a blush on his face as he definitely wasn't expecting that. this was there first official date and jaemin was already acting as if they had been dating for months.

jaemin pulled away, that bright smile never leaving his face as he looked jeno up in down in awe.

the older had on a light blue hoodie that was just a bit big on him, making him look even smaller and absolutely adorable. he was also wearing dark skinny jeans as they complimented the outfit and, in jaemin's opinion, completed the aesthetic.

"come on jaemin, i w-wanna show you something!" Jeno said, still nervous about showing the younger what he had set up.
he took jaemin's hand softly and led the other up the carpeted stairs. once at the top they walked a little ways down the hall until jeno stopped infront of a door that was left slightly open. he turned to jaemin.

"okay, close your eyes." jeno said. jaemin seemed confused but, he obeyed, shutting his eyes as jeno grabbed his forearm and led him somewhere. eventually they came to a stop and jeno turned jaemin a little bit so he was facing the right way.

"okay, you can open your eyes now!"

to say jaemin was surprised was an understatement. he was absolutely star struck by what jeno has done. jaemin whispered a soft "oh my gosh." at the sight in from of him. "i-it's nothing big, but i uh, thought we could have a small cute date here." jeno said playing with his hands.

jaemin took jenos hands noticing how he was nervous and hugged him. "i love it nono, absolutely love it." said jaemin with a big smile on his face.

"now, let's order some takeout and watch a movie yeah?" jeno nodded at jaemin's idea and ordered a pizza while jaemin chose what movie they would watch.

let's just say, the night was a very happy night for two certain boys.

big big big thank you to JenoIsBabyBoi for helping me with this chapter🥰

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