Ch2 Arrival to Planeptune

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After leaving Aunt Blanc's home with Mommy Nepgear and Aunt Neptune we are currently in the air flying

Nepgear:Y/N Sweetie are you alright?

Y/N:I'm a little scared mommy we are s-s-So h-h-h-high up

Neptune:it's alright little buddy we won't let anything happen to you

Aunt Neptune says with a smile

I then burry my head into mommy's chest as we kept flying through the air

A moment later we soon arrive at another building where a little fairy is waiting for us

Nepgear:Historie we're Home!

Historie:Welcome Home you two

Neptune:Where are iffy and Compa?

Historie:IF should be returning soon as for Compa she just got off of work but tell me who is that hiding behind your leg nepgear?

Nepgear:Well we was kinda wanting to tell Everyone about that so could we wait for IF and Compa?

Historie:Very well we shall wait for the two to return

A couple of minutes two more figures shows up

IF:Nep Ge We're Back!

Compa:And we brought snacks!

Historie:Ah IF Compa Could you come here for a minute

The two walks over to where we all are

IF:What can we do for you Historie?

Historie:well Nepgear was about to explain where she found this little one that she brought with her.

Compa:Little one?

They soon notice me hiding behind mommy's leg holding my plushie

Compa:Aww whats the cuties name?

Nepgear:His name is Y/N

Historie:But where did you find him?

Mommy then begins to explain what happened to the three big people which they then make a strange face

Historie:So you found him abandoned in a alley during a cold day in Lowee you took him back to the basilicom where you and the other candidates slept beside him to keep him safe and when you woke up the next day he said that you was his new mommy and the other candidates as his big sisters then Neptune and the other CPUs are claimed as his aunt's and while you was watching Neptune play games he wanted to play with the dogoo on screen so you went and grabbed a dogoo plushie from a store after you then came back here

Nepgear: That's right

Historie:Well I hope you know that it's a big task to care for him you do know this right?

Neptune:We know and don't you worry little Y/N here will be on his best behavior while he's here with us won't ya little buddy

I nod shyly at Aunt Neptune's statement

Y/N:Um miss fairy lady I w-w-won't be in t-t-the way while i-i-im here

I shyly speak up from behind Mama's leg

Mommy then picks me up and holds me close as everyone goes about their business

I slowly start to fall asleep in mommy's arms

Nepgear:look likes someone is ready for a nap

I don't say anything but start snoring quietly in mommy's arms

Mama then takes me and puts me in her bed where I quietly fall asleep

Sometime in the middle of the night I awake and get scared cause of the thunderstorm so I run to the corner of the room

Y/N:M-Mommy W-Where A-A-Are You?!

I slowly start to cry while shaking in fear from the thunderous boom outside

Nepgears POV

I slowly get done taking a bath after completing a few quests with Neptune which apparently took most of the day to complete

After drying myself off and putting on my night clothes I am slowly walking through the halls as I look out one of the windows at the thunderstorm I slowly hear crying from my room

Voice: M-Mommy W-Where A-A-Are You?!

I immediately open the door to my room to see Y/N shaking and crying in a corner of the room

Without saying anything I rush over to him and carefully cradle him in attempt to calm him down

Nepgear:Shh it's okay Y/N Mama's here

He slowly calms down before looking at me with his innocent eyes

Y/N: M-Mommy?

Nepgear:Yes sweetie?

Y/N:i-i Missed Y-You!!

He grips my shirt tightly as if he is afraid that I will abandon him in a alley like his biological mother did to him

Nepgear:Y/N Look at me sweetie

He looks up at me

Nepgear:listen carefully I won't ever abandon you ever your aunt's won't either and I'm sure your big sisters won't either so don't cry okay? Cause we all love you very much

I give him a kiss on the forehead which he smiles and snuggles up to me smiling which makes me smile as well

We then get into bed together and fall asleep all while Neptune Historie IF and Compa are watching us from the door with a smile on their faces


Shadow here with the long awaited new chapter to the story now since my last co-owner of the fanfic has apparently forgot about the story I may be looking for a new co-owner simply send a message to if interested 

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